Chapter 2

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I mentally roll my eyes at the girl sitting behind me.I ignore her cause all girls hate to be ignored.

"Jack!" She pokes my shoulder and I check my phone,scrolling through tons of text messages from girls all over the school.

One catches my eye.

From someone named Hailey,she's short and thin with long black hair.Oh yeah,I'd do her.

Maybe I'll text here,see if she's free for tonight.

I don't have anything,anyone,to do tonight so may-


I feel a slight push and I almost forget about about her,whatever her name is.

I turn with a smirk on my face.

"Oh I'm sorry.Did you want something?"

Her bad mood instantly goes away and she flutters her eyelashes at me,grinning seductively.

"Well I was thinking.My parents are out of town so..."

She bites her lip and flutters her eyes at me more.

I fight back a laugh and put on a straight face.

"Sorry sweetie,I don't do whores."

Her jaw practically drops and I laugh slightly,amused.

Her face turns sour and she looks pissed.

"Who are you kidding Gilinsky?You'd do anyone,whores especially."

Ooh ouch,kitty got claws.

I nod slightly,pretending like I'm thinking.

"You're right."

She looks kinda shocked and starts to say something else but I say

"I guess I just don't like whores like you."

The bell rings and she looks both pissed and hurt.I wink at her and stand up,heading for the door.

I get in the hallway and as soon as I do some girl named Katie or Kelsey or whatever comes up to me.

"Wanna come to my house after school?" She purrs in my ear seductively while she runs a finger down my chest.

I smirk to myself,enjoying it for a moment before pulling away and smirking at her.

"What makes you think you're worth my time?"

A flicker of annoyance crosses her face before she smiles sweetly and it's gone.

"I can make it worth your while." She bites her lip and twirls her hair,shoving herself against me to where I can feel every inch of her.

Veryyyyy tempting...but...

I push her away and smirk.

"Not in this lifetime."

She looks hurt and I laugh,turning and walking away.

I get to my locker,ignoring all the girls calling me.

Suddenly Miranda,another girl constantly on me,leans against my locker.

"Hey babe." She drawls out in her sickly sweet voice.

I smirk at her and look down at her,she's really short.

"Whatya want today Miranda?"

She licks her lips as she pops her gum loudly.

"You.At my house.Tonight."

She's wearing a totally see through shirt an lets just say,even teachers stare.

"Please." She pleads,making a pouty face.

Mmmm now Miranda is definitely very tempting to me.

Then again,she's tempting to everyone,even some girls.

I cock my head,thinking.

"Nah not tonight babe."

I turn to leave but she stands in front of me,crossing her arms and glaring up at me.

"Why the hell not?" She sounds pissed.

Should have known Miranda would sass me,she's a pain.

I roll my eyes.

"Because I said so."

She scoffs.

She places her hands on her hips and looks mad.

"Just who do you think you are."

I laugh and move closer,towering over her.

"Someone who does whatever the fuck he wants with whoever the fuck he wants.And tonight,you're not it."

She looks like she's gonna say something but decides against it.She turns and starts to leave but then stops,turning to me.

"I feel sorry for whoever falls in love with you Gilinsky.Cause you're a jerk and you have no heart.But one day....someone's gonna change that."

She turns and stomps off,making me laugh.

I head to class.

On my way I run into some kid in the hallway.

He's really small and his hair looks like it doesn't wanna cooperate,it's all over the place.He's really pale too,it's freaky.

"Sorry." He says,quietly.

I scoff and turn,going to class.

I keep thinking of what Miranda said.

I can't help but laugh.

She said one day someone's gonna change the fact I'm a jerk.

I laugh again and roll my eyes.


Jack Gilinsky,change?

Yeah right.

Why would I change?

And who would make me change?

I roll my eyes at the thought.

Me falling in love with anyone is ridiculous.

Of all the girls I've dated I've never fallen in love.

What makes her think that that's gonna change?

(A/N) hey lovebugs 💙

Sorry I've been terrible at updating lately 😬

I'm gonna try to update a lot today hopefully

Thoughts on this?

Love you little love bugs 😘

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