Chapter 53

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"You look like an idiot you know that right?"

I roll my eyes at Cams comment,not really giving a shit what he says.

"Go away Cam." I say,not even looking at him.

"No seriously you do.Why do you sit at his locker all day?"

He smirks down at me like I'm stupid and I wanna kick his ass so much right now but he's not worth it.

"He's in class and even when he's not,he doesn't wanna talk to you.Why do you sit here like an idiot?"

I roll my eyes and try to ignore him.

"You really do look like an idiot." He laughs and I clench my fists up.

"Cam I swear,leave me alone or you're not gonna like what I do to you."

He laughs louder like its the funniest thing ever and I kinda wanna scream.

"You and your stupid threats,acting like you're so scary."

I groan internally as he laughs louder.


He laughs again and turns to leave,finally leaving me alone in peace.

The truth is I don't care how stupid this is.

I know he's mad at me and he still doesn't forgive me for what I did,and I get that,but I like sitting here waiting for him.

I think he likes it too,although he won't say it.

Whenever he comes to his locker after class,I'm waiting for him.And though he doesn't say it,I think he likes that.He seems...relaxed to see me there.

Maybe I'm imagining it.

Maybe I shouldn't even bother sitting here.

But I don't care and I'll keep doing it.

I'll do it till he forgives me.,no matter how long it takes.

I just hope he actually does.


"Are you okay?You seem tired."

Cameron catches up to me after science class,frowning down at me with a look of worry.

"I'm okay." I shrug,my head hurting again.

"You sure?You look really exhausted." He says again.

I nod,rubbing the side of my head,hoping it'll stop soon.

"Are you busy today?" He asks suddenly.

I shrug and glance up at him.

"I don't know,why?"

I make my way over to my locker and he follows,leaning against it as he watches me closely.

"Well I was wondering if you-

An arm snaking around my waist makes him groan and cut off,glaring up at the eyes I know are glaring right back.

"Fuck off Cam." He says through clenched teeth,my spine tingling at his rough voice.

Cameron rolls his eyes and smirks.

"Why don't you get lost G?"

His arm tightens around me and I bite my lip hard before the small moan escapes.

"Does he even want you around?" Cameron asks,sounding annoyed.



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