Chapter 56

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"Hey cutie."

A sweet voice drifts to me,making me turn to look for it.

I find it right behind me belonging to a girl.

A girl with bright red hair and cat ears.

I smile slightly and she comes over and hugs me.

"I went to the library to say hi but you weren't there." She frowns a little and I shrug.

"I didn't have to go today."

She nods and her hair shakes like crazy,her cat ears bopping around.

"So listen,I was supposed to go meet my friend after school for coffee but she stood me up."

She frowns and I'm trying to figure out why she's asking me what she's asking me.

"Will you go with me?" She asks,smiling softly.

I frown and look at her,confused.

"Why?" I ask.

Lately I've had more problems trusting people,can you blame me?

So,sorry if I don't jump at the first chance.

She shrugs and smiles brightly.

"Cause I wanna go for coffee but I don't wanna be alone.And I like talking to you." She says simply,smiling at me kindly.

I cock my head,thinking about it.

I mean,she seems nice and I like her.She's kinda funny.

Out of the corner of my right eye I see Jack,making his way over to me,his eyes glued on me as usual.

"Sure,let's go." I smile when she claps her hands excitedly.

I close my locker and she links her arm through mine,smiling at me as she does.

"Thank you for saying yes cutie." She smiles softly and I smile back.

From behind I can feel Jack watching me,but I try to ignore it.

On the way out I see Cam,leaning against a door,watching me.

It gives me chills,not in the good way.

"So did you hear-

I shake my head and focus on what she's saying,letting her lead us out of school.


"I swear it happened." She laughs and I roll my eyes.

"You did not put the principals motorcycle on the roof of the school." I laugh as she nods like crazy.

(My friend actually did this I s2g 😂😂)

"I swear to God I did! It was the best april fools day ever."

She smiles widely and I can't help but smile back,her smiles contagious in so many ways.

Her phone rings suddenly,a pop song I don't recognize.

She grabs it and her eyes light up a little.

She smiles up at me,a soft look in her eyes.

"Would you mind if I-

She gestures to her phone and frowns a little.

"Go ahead,it's fine." I say,laughing that she'd make such big deal of answering It in front of me.

She squeals happily and gets up,walking away a little as she takes it.

I sit there,sipping my coffee slowly,my thoughts stopping on Jack for a second.

His smile fills my mind for a second and I shake it away,or I try to.

She comes back,an upset look on her face but a happy look In her eyes.

"Don't be mad." She starts.

I panic slightly and frown,my nerves shooting up.

"My friend called and she wants to go shopping and it's this new store-

I laugh cause she's making this sound so serious.

"So go." I smile at her as she claps her hands excitedly.

"You don't mind me running out on you,especially since I invited you?" She looks so worried I can't help but smile.

"No! Go,have fun.Buy more cat ears." I say and she smiles brightly.

"You're the best ever Jacky." I can't help but smile happily at the nickname.

The only person who calls me nicknames is...well Jack.

She stands up,her phone ringing again,leaning over to hug me quickly.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow,okay?" She says and I smile,nodding at her.

She squeals again and turns,running off happily.

I can't help but laugh as I watch her,she's so giddy and bubbly it's hard not to get smiley around her.

I sit there for a second,sipping my coffee for a bit longer.

I sigh and get up after about 5min,bored just sitting here by myself.

I throw my coffee away and start walking home.

I think about calling Jack but I don't know if I want to,don't know if I'm ready to face him yet.

I'm starting to forgive him,the bet seeming less and less terrible to me as time goes by.

Sure,I'm still mad.

But it's getting harder to be mad as days go by,harder as I see him everyday.

It's especially hard when he touches me.

I may be hating him at the moment he touches me,but my body sure doesn't hate him.

He still makes me feel tingly,shivers running through me at the slightest touch he gives me.

He can still make me moan just by kissing me,his lips making me feel weak in pleasure.

He makes me feel all these things and more,and it's getting harder to be so mad at him.

Harder to hate him.

My shoe suddenly catches on a rock and I trip,gasping as I fall forward.

I brace myself for the fall but it never comes.

Instead I feel two strong arms grab me,holding me tightly against them.

I'm about to say thank you,glancing up slightly to see who it is.

I gasp when I see it is,my whole body panicking inside and out.

My blood runs cold as his lips open to say

"Hello pretty thing."

(A/N) OKAYYY so this sucks I know

Sorry,it's like a filler but it's kinda important

I feel like this is ending soon and it's sucking lately UGHH


Love all my lovebugs 😘

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