Chapter 34

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JJ's POV(after lunch)

An arm wrapping around my waist normally would have made me jump but I smirk to myself,knowing exactly who it is.

"Shouldn't you be in class?" I ask,putting the books back on the shelf after the last class came in here and messed things up.

I feel him shake his head and he kisses the back of my neck.

I smile.

"Skipping class now are we?" I say in a teasing tone.

He nuzzles against my neck,pulling me closer against him.

"I missed you." He says softly,his voice sending chills down my spine.

I lean back against him,laughing slightly.

"You just saw me at lunch what,10mins ago?" I raise an eyebrow up at him.

He whines low.

"Yeah but I missed you."

I laugh,turning around to where I'm facing him.

I look up at him and smirk.

"You couldn't wait till after school to see me?" I bite my lip slightly,watching his eyes glaze over.

He shakes his head furiously.

"That's too long." He whines.

I roll my eyes.

"Well you'll just have to wait cause I'm busy." I smirk,turning back to the bookshelf.

He makes a cute little noise and my heart melts but I ignore him,putting books up as I can feel him watching me.

"JJ." He whines.

I bite my lip to keep from laughing cause it's so cute.

He moves closer,wrapping his arm around me again.

"Baby boy." He whispers.

I get chills when he calls me that,it makes me feel dizzy.

"What?" I ask in a teasing tone.

He wraps his arms tighter around me,making my stomach flutter.

"I'm busy."

He frowns and groans.

"So stop working." He pleads,making me chuckle.

"I gotta stop working just cause you come in here?"

I roll my eyes as he blushes and nods with a little pout on his face.

"Well sorry I can't.So whatever you came in here for is just gonna have to wait." I smirk,moving past him and pushing the cart to another aisle.

At first he doesn't follow me,which is strange.I was expecting him to keep harping on me till I payed attention to him.

But then I hear him come down the aisle,moving up close to me.

"But I-"

I spin so fast he gasps quietly.

"It can wait." I wink up at him,making him look all flustered instantly.

I turn back,listening to his breathe pick up.

"But I can't." He says quietly.

Before I can say anything to him he spins me around,pushing me up against the shelf and attacks my lips.

He kisses me roughly as his hands gently find their way under my shirt,where he starts trailing his fingers slowly.

I moan quietly before pulling away.

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