Chapter 8

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JG's POV (later that day,after school)

I mentally groan as I hear a laugh behind me.

You can probably guyess who it is.

"Hey G! Have any luck seducing your lover boy yet?" Cam calls out.

I roll my eyes, wanting to kick his ass right here.

He walks over and slings his arm around my shoulder,smirking at me.

"You know I saw you today at lunch, trying to make your move." He says in a mock way, putting emphasise on 'make your move'.

Nash comes up behind us and nudges Cam.

"Cam cut it out." He says.

Nash catches my eyes and shrugs, but Cam doesnt listen.

"Dind't seem to be going well.What's the matter, he not falling for your....Gilinsky charm?"

I push Cam back with my elbows,throwing his arm off my shoulder.

He looks surprised a little but he smirks.

"Get lost Cam." I say between clenched teeth.

He rolls his eyes and I have to wonder once again how we're friends.

"Don't get mad at me.It's not my fault I was right." He smirks.

I get up close to him,glaring.

"You're not.And I WILL prove you wrong.And WHEN I do,you're gonna wish you had kept that big mouth of yours closed."

He glares right back and from the corner of my eye I see Nash grab Cam's sleeve.

"Come on guys,break it up." He says.

Cam clenches his jaw and I smirk,almost laughing at how posse he looks.

"Cam come on." Nash says,tugging on his sleeve more.

I smirk and turn to leave,hearing Nash trying to pull Cam away as I do.

I push open the doors of the school.

I had to stay after for gym cause I got in trouble for skipping,not like I care anyway.

I don't know why Cam and Nash were here,probably for Cam just to piss me off more.Nash was probably just there to make sure Cam didn't do anything stupid.

Typical Nash,always trying to save the day somehow.

I roll my eyes and cross the parking lot.

It's getting dark and before I can take another step,the sky opens up and pours down.

I don't really care.

Rain doesn't bother me and I have a truck so I'm all good.

I get in my car and drive away from the school,the things that that kid,Jack,said still going through my mind.


"Do you need a ride Jack dear?" Mrs.Kelly asks sweetly.

Mrs.Kelly is the local librarian.She's one of those little old ladies that has a million cats and drives an old beat up car.A lot I people don't like her cause she can be rough,especially with the idiots who misbehave in the library.

But to me,she's always been sweet and she's one of my favorite people in the world.

I shake my head.

"No thanks Mrs.K. It feels nice outside and I wanna get some fresh air,you know?"

She laughs and nods.

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