Chapter 59

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I raced home as my lungs burned beyond belief,my heart racing in pain and terror.

I feel like passing out but I had to get home.

Had to get back to the sad boy with the sad puppy eyes and matching sad frown that would be waiting for me.

My head kept swirling with the idea that he wouldn't be there,wouldn't care if I was safe or not.

Maybe he was tired of me and didn't care anymore,couldn't blame him if that was true.

I'd been a pain in the ass,yelling and ignoring him one minute and then needing him as close as he could get the next.

I was a pain in the ass and annoying and a million other things my frightened brain couldn't think of at the moment,I know I was.

If he wasn't there and he didn't wanna be near me anymore I would totally get it.

He could find someone else to be with,someone who wouldn't give him so much trouble like I've been lately.

The thought of someone else with him made me sick to my stomach,twisting in ways that made me wanna vomit right here on the grass.

Maybe he'd get with one of those hoes from school,all flirty and flouncy and floozy.

With their annoying voices and constant pushing up against him I would be sick just seeing it.

Shit I was getting sick just thinking about it.

But maybe that's what he wanted,someone easier who wouldn't be a pain like I've been lately.

Maybe I wold get home and the porch would be empty,no sad boy with sad eyes and a sad frown to match would be there.

He wouldn't be sitting there with that upset look and then spring up the second he saw me to call me nicknames I always got mad at but loved more than I could explain.

He wouldn't be waiting for me to Come home so he could try and apologize and touch me.

Maybe he wasn't there.

Maybe he didn't even care enough to wait for me anymore.

But I wanted to go Home and I silently prayed he was waiting,waiting with those big puppy eyes for me to come running round the corner before he smiled that smile I adore so much.

I hoped he was there with his annoying excuse of why he's waiting today.

I hoped he was waiting,missing me the way I missed him.

Oh god did I miss him.

I've been such an ass lately,ignoring this perfect boy who's been following me around like a little love sick puppy.

This perfect boy who,despite the many sluts that've been flirting with him nonstop at school,is always staring at me as he walks through the hallways.

The perfect boy who is always waiting at my locker and outside my classroom and buys me lunch though I don't even speak to him.

This perfect boy who really must love me to be sticking around when I've been ignoring him.

This perfect boy who makes me feel safe and happy and as much as I wanna hate him for using me,I just cant.

I can't.

Not anymore.

I love him too much for that.

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