Chapter 41

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I've barely nodded before he attacks my lips,kissing me so hard my lips burn.

I wrap my arms around his neck,twisting my fingers in his hair as I press myself up against him tightly.

He pulls me closer,his hands running down my back as I moan into his mouth.

I push myself up against him,wanting him to hold me tighter and kiss me harder.

I moan as he trails his hands down,squeezing my ass hard enough to where I groan.

"Baby boy." He whispers into me,biting my lip hard enough to where I gasp.

He shoves his tongue in my mouth,exploring every inch as he leans fully into me.

"Baby boy." He whispers again,making me feel dizzy.

His hands travel down my back,landing near my legs.

"Jump baby." He says roughly,biting my lips hard.

My breathing speeds up as I moan at his voice,jumping up into his arms,wrapping my legs tightly around his waist.

He starts kissing down my jawline as he carries me upstairs,me leaning my head back as far as I can for him.

He bites down,hard,on that spot I love so much and I moan loud.

"Jack." I moan low,wrapping my arms tightly to his neck.

When he gets to my door he pushes it open with my back,kicking it closed once we're in.

He walks over to the bed and drops me on it,making me feel dizzy as I watch him pull off his shirt while he stares at me.

The look he gives me makes me feel so weak,I've never seen him look so...hungry.

It makes me feel so weak and turned on at the same time.

He gets on the bed,towering over me,biting his lip as he stares down at me.

It makes me moan slightly.

He smirks as he attacks my lips once again,making me squirm slightly when he licks my lips roughly.

He pulls away and starts trailing down my neck,biting here and there as he goes.

It makes me weak.

I moan and press my whole body up to him when he sucks that spot I love.

"Jack." I moan loud,whining a little as he swirls his tongue around in a slow circle.

His hands travel down to my shirt,running his hand up my chest slowly.

He bites down hard on my neck,hard enough to where my whole body jerks up and my back arches slightly.

"Jack." I squirm up against him,fisting my hands in his hair roughly.

I bite my lip hard as he starts gently lifting my shirt.

"You don't need this." He says in a rushed,rough voice.

My breathe speeds up just listening to the tone he has.

I bite my lip harder as he pulls it up,kissing up my stomach as he lifts it.

He pulls me up by my shirt and tugs on it,me lifting my arms to help him.

Once it's off he lowers himself down with me,attacking my neck where he starts biting again.

I squirm like crazy as he keeps sucking and nipping that spot that gets me so excited.

"Jack." I whine,running my hands down his back hard.

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