Chapter 28

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Watching as he walks to the kitchen the only thing I keep thinking about is how I'm in wayyy too deep.

I really,really am.

Do I care though?

Fuck no.

Not even a little bit.

"You hungry?" His sweet voice calls from the kitchen.

I'm least not for any food.

(you nasty ass pervs god I know what you thinking😏😏)

What I crave more than anything are those lips that are just out of my reach.

Fuck I wanna kiss them so bad...

I'm so screwed.

"Daydreaming Jack?" His soft voice says.

I look up to see him staring at me,a cute smile on his face.

Your fucking cuteness is killing me....

And you don't even realize.

"Earth to Jack." He says in a sing song voice and my head snaps up.

I haven't moved from the spot I'm in since I got inside.

I rub the back of my neck,making my way to the kitchen.

Where I see him trying to reach for a bowl.

For a second I take advantage of the situation,since he's not seeing me watch,and stare at him.

My eyes travel up and down,biting my lip as I think about how much I wanna hold him.

How much I wanna kiss him.

How much I wanna-

"Hey you?"

I shake my head and come back to reality,seeing him smirking at me.

He points up at the bowl.

"Can you get that for me?" He says with such a cute face my heart melts.

I nod,hurrying over to get it for him.

I reach up,grabbing it.

I guess my shirt rid up a little on the bottom cause the next thing I know,he's just barely running his finger along my skin.

I gasp loud,way too loud probably,and jump.The bowl falls and he reaches out,catching it,still not removing his finger from my body.

"Thanks." He says.

He smiles slyly and moves away from me,the feeling of his finger on my skin still feeling like fire.

I think that was where I realized that I had truly lost the bet.

And I honestly...didn't care.


I've decided to torture Jack as much as I can today.

Haven't I already?

Yes,but still.

(If you've ever had a person like this,that was so easy to fluster,than you know just how FUN it is 😏)

I plop down on the couch in the living room,sighing to myself.

From the corner of my eye I see Jack leaning against the wall,watching me.

I smirk to myself.

Time for some fun...

I sit up and turn to him,making a pout face.

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