Chapter 4

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As soon as I get home I wanna go straight to sleep.That's how tired I am.

Today some asshole tripped me in the cafeteria,food going all over me.

You know,it's funny.You would think that some teacher would say something or do something.But they're either too stupid to see it or they just don't care.

I don't know which answer is worse.

I sigh and head to the kitchen.

I'm looking in the fridge for something to drink when my kid sister comes stomping in the kitchen,yelling "sup bitch!"

I roll my eyes and smile to myself.

"Hey sis,why are you here?Thought you were staying after?"

She rolls her eyes and looks annoyed,crossing her arms in front of her.


I laugh and roll my eyes again.

My sister,Gianna,is only a couple years younger than me but you wouldn't guess it since she's taller than me.She loves being taller cause she thinks she can boss me around even though I'm older.She can be a bossy at times but she's one of the best friends ever,honestly don't know what'd I do if I didn't have her.

She prances past me on her tiptoes to the fridge.

"Sooooo- she opens the fridge and looks around- how was school?"

I don't say anything.

I honestly just have a headache and I'm tired.I didn't really sleep last night.

Guess she figured something bad happened cause she closed the door an turned,leaning against the fridge,staring me down.

"What happened?"

I shrug and sit down,grabbing an apple and biting I to it.

"Nothing interesting."

She shakes her head and stares me down more.

"But something DID happen.What was it?"

I almost tell her,that someone tripped me and everyone laughed.Not cause I want her to do something.Just cause she's the best person to tell if you ever have problems,she always listens to me.

But she does have a temper an if I tell her I know she'll make a big deal out of nothing and probably go storming the school,kicking anyone's ass.

Not what I need my kid sister to get in trouble for.

She's still staring at me,with a funny look now,so I smile and laugh slightly.

"Relax sis,nothing happened.I'd tell you if something did."

She looks doubtful.She cocks her head and looks upset for a second.

"You promise?"

I nod and smile at her.


For a second she doesn't move,just sits there watching me.But then she smiles that big smile of hers and twirls over to me,hugging me hard.

She pulls away and runs to the door screaming "BYE BITCH!"

I laugh and shake my head at her.

What would I do without her?

Once she's gone my mood sinks down again.I sigh and head upstairs.

I go to my bathroom and take a pill for my headache.

I fall in bed and let sleep wash over me.

(A/N) okay so I had this written to damn well and wattpad deleted

I think I'm gonna start saving my chapters that way they for get deleted

Anyway whatchu think of this?



This is dedicated to one of my main girls,you know who you are 😏

Anyway thoughts?

Love hugs to my love bugs 😊❤️

Love you love bugs 😘

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