Chapter 48

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My first thought is you're an asshole.

My second is get away from me.

And my third thought I don't even get out cause he smiles at me sadly and says

"I'm really sorry about that bet.I told Gilinsky it was a bad idea and that he shouldn't do it but he was persistent."

I roll my eyes,not really caring about his apologies.

The teacher says to 'talk among yourselves' as he starts writing up on the chalkboard.

I groan internally cause I can guarantee he's gonna start talking to me again,which I really don't wanna hear anything he has to say.

"Listen,I'm really sorry about it.I mean it.I told Gilinsky-

"I don't really care what you told him and I don't really care what you have to say." I say,glaring at him slightly before turning my attention to my work.

He shifts uncomfortably and nods,like he get it.

"Well I just wanted to say you didn't deserve that.Honestly you didn't."

I roll my eyes again and try to ignore him,which is hard cause he won't shut up.

"I'm sorry he didn't tell you sooner." He actually sounds sorry and I can't help but look up for a second.

He smiles sadly and I find myself wanting to cry.

I bite my lip cause that's the last thing I need,to cry in class next to the guy who's friends with Jack.

No thanks,I don't need that shit.

The teacher suddenly claps his hands and says

"Everyone get paired up please."

Which is of course the worst thing to say.

Everyone starts running around and grabbing at people,it's pretty dangerous actually.

Partners are disappearing and Cam turns to me and asks

"Wanna work with me?"

He smiles softly and shrugs.

I look at him and resist the urge to roll my eyes.

I look around the classroom before I nod.

It's not like I really have a choice anyway.

(After class)

"And from that day on I could never look at bananas again without feeling scared."

Cam wiggles his eyebrows and I laugh.

"Well now I know how to freak you out." I tease.

He gets this play scared look on his face and it only makes me laugh more.

"You'd do that to me?And here I thought we were becoming friends." He frowns playfully.

I roll my eyes and make my way to my locker.

"So listen-

I spin in the combo,briefly wondering why there isn't someone waiting for me.

I try to push that thought away but it sticks,making my stomach hurt.

I turn and look up at him as he leans against the locker.

"There's this party and I was thinking-

Suddenly I feel someone come up behind me,making shivers go down my back.

That can only mean one person.

"You were thinking what?" A cold voice says.

I feel like a kid in the middle of an argument as they both stand there,glaring at each other.

"I don't really think that's any of your business G." Cam glares harder as he spits out the words.

"Well whatever it is you thought-

I feel him slip an arm around my waist and for a second I just wanna turn and throw myself at him.

I miss his touch so much it's insane.

But I'm still pissed and I just can't forgive him for all he's done.

"You can shove it cause he's not interested." His voice sends chills through me and I bite my lip hard.

"How would you know,did you ask him?" Cam narrows his eyes and asks in a cold tone that could almost match Jacks.

I feel Jack pull me closer and I feel kinda dizzy for a second.

"I don't have to ask him.He wouldn't wanna hang around with-

That snaps me back to reality.

"Just who the hell do you think you are?" I say rudely,pushing his arm away and turning to glare up at him.

It's like the tough guy charade goes away to be replaced by a sad puppy as he stares down at me.

"You don't get to tell me who I can and can't hang out with." I scoff,narrowing my eyes at him.

"B-but baby I-

"Don't call me that." I say coldly,a small part of me feeling bad that I got mad at him.

His eyes break down and I see them filling slowly with tears.

"He's just trying to use you." He says sadly,so sadly I wanna pull him close and kiss his face all over.

But I don't.

Instead I glare harder at him and say

"No,that's what you did."

The second I say it I wanna take it back.

His whole face breaks down and tears fall slowly as he stares down at me with such a pained expression it hurts to breathe.

He opens his mouth to say something but I quickly turn back,telling Cameron

"Pick me up at 7."

He smiles down at me happily and then looks up at Jack,smirking slightly.

He turns and leaves.

I glance back at Jack and he looks so sad.

So fucking sad...

I can't take it.

I quickly grab my stuff and leave before I grab him and make out with him in the hallway.

As I'm leaving the only thing I can think about is his arm wrapped around my waist...and how much I miss it.

(A/N) JJ's being a bitch,I know

But that's what makes it fun 😉

I know I already two crappy chapters so I'll put this here,hoping it's better 😁

Honestly JJ is me in this story.

If someone did this to me I wouldn't trust them again,it would take a long time before I did and they'd have to do a lot to prove to me they're sorry

I'm nobody's ex

If we break up,I DONT know you

That's the way I am 💁

Anything thoughts?

Love all my lovebugs 😘

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