Chapter 47

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I roll my eyes as I see him in the hallway,staring at me.

He has this routine he does everyday and it's getting on my nerves.

Every morning I wake up to him sitting on my porch,looking all tired and sad.

He's been sleeping on the porch every night since I found out about the bet.

When I turn to leave he says he brought me breakfast and shows me a bag from some fast food place,my favorite order inside.

He begs for me to take it and I do,his face always looking hopeful only to return to sadness when I toss it in the trash can.

Then at school he either sits at my locker,waiting for me as he skips class,or he hurries to get there before I do.

I actually heard that the principal got mad at him for all the classes he's skipping.

I don't think he cares though cause he just keeps doing it.

It's starting to piss me off,a lot.

Why won't he just leave me alone?


I'm following him to science class when he suddenly spins on me so fast I jump back.

"Stop following me." He spits out,making me cringe.

I shake my head,looking down at those eyes full of anger.

"I'm not kidding Jack." He warns,turning to continue his way.

I follow,knowing this is pissing him off but not caring.

He spins again and glares up at me.

"Leave me alone Jack." He says coldly.

I shake my head again.

"I can't." I say quietly.

He rolls his eyes and crosses his arms.

"Why the fuck not?" He raises an eyebrow at me,looking annoyed.

I bite my lip softly and try to smile but I know it doesn't work.

"I love you too much."

For a split second his eyes turn clearer and an almost soft expression comes on his face.

But's gone,and my heart drops again.

"Just leave me alone Jack." He says rudely,turning to leave.

My heart hurts as I watch him go.


I walk into math class,turning to the back before the teacher notices I was almost late.

When I get there I sit down and the moment I do I notice there's someone new sitting next to me.

Someone I haven't see in this class before.

Someone that made me feel sick the last time he talked to me.

(A/N) I'm sorry,two shitty chapters in one day 😔😔

Sorry sorry sorry

I might delete this part honestly,idek if I like it

So who do you think it is?


Love all my little lovebugs 😘

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