Chapter 22

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If I'd have known Jack Gilinsky was this easy,or this fun,to tease I would have done it way earlier.

I don't know what came over me but I just couldn't help but tease him some at my house.

I like seeing him flustered and knowing that I did it is,not gonna lie,kinda exciting.

It was going well..but then I started feeling kinda weird.

Not a bad weird,just a strange weird.

I pulled back and suggested going to the mall,the look on his face was priceless.

He looked nervous,upset and embarrassed.

So now here we are.At the mall.

I didn't really wanna come here,it was just the first place I thought of.

Might as well try to have fun I guess.

But with him here,and a million ways to tease him,that shouldn't be a problem.


"Bet I can beat you in pool."

He turns to look at me,a smirk on his face.


I'm really good at pool,can't tell you how much money I've won betting on it.

But I don't really wanna play pool.

I shake my head.


Wrong choice I'm guessing.

He crosses his arms and looks up at me,raising an eyebrow.

"Why not?"

I shrug.

"I just don't wan-"

He moves up close to me and is so close I'm having trouble focusing.

"I wanna play pool." He says softly,looking up at me with wide eyes.

Holy shit...

He bites his lip a tiny bit and that's it,I'm done for.

I open my mouth to say something...but nothing comes out.

He smirks and leans closer.

"Is that a yes?"

I nod furiously,not even able to speak right now with him so close.

He smirks and pulls back,turning and walking over to the arcade.

I follow after him.

Our mall has what bars would have: a place in the center with a pool table,darts and other stuff you'd find in a bar.

It's kinda strange honestly.

It's like the person couldn't decide if they were making a mall or a bar so they just kinda put it together.

It's weird but it gets a lot of clients so no one complains.

Although today,it appears to be kinda empty.

We walk in and only the guy who runs this section of the mall is here.

"Can I help you?" He asks in a thick accent.

I look to see Jack watching me so I answer

"Uh yeah.We're here for pool."

They make everyone sign in,which is stupid,but whatever.

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