Chapter One

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Aurora's P.O.V

As I sit on a couch near my window, holding a hot cup of coco with endless marshmallows in it, I can't help but admire how beautiful New York is when it rains. Slowly blowing on my coco I cautiously take a sip and breathe out in satisfaction. After a full week of endless meetings and conference calls this is exactly what I needed, hearing my phone ring I loudly groan and get up to go get it.

"Kim." I say annoyed.

"Buzz me in will you, it's freezing out here." I hang up and buzz her in, and in less than two minutes I hear my door open. "Hey." She greets me as her full pink lips form into a smile, showing her flushed cheeks.

"Hey." I say taking my seat and grabbing my hot beverage. Half way through my drink Kim re-enters the living room with her wet hair in a messy bun, wearing her winter pajama set. She takes a seat across from me and starts drinking her hot coco as well.

"I haven't seen you all week you know." She points out.

"I know, sorry." I say as I tuck a loose strand behind my ear.

"How did the meeting with Spencer Publications go?" She asks amused and I give her a death glare, she knows very well that I can't stand Spencer with his arrogant ass but Kim loves him, although I think his net worth of 6.5 billion has a lot to do with that.

"Don't start Kimberly." I warn her, she releases a short chuckle before apologizing. "I don't even know why you find that asshole attractive, I mean he's so arrogant, rude and-"

"And rich." She interrupts and I laugh as I shake my head.

"Who are you?" I say dramatically.

"Uhm .. your best friend hello." I've known Kim since freshman year of high school, we've basically been best friends forever and she has always been like this, so care free, funny, smart and ridiculously charming. She is your typical brunette beauty, slim waist , nice ass ,full pink lips with gorgeous blue eyes , a soft heart shaped face and beautiful long brunette hair that curls just right. Although, the most attractive thing about her is her intellect, the girl is smart and she's not afraid to challenge you mentally but her taste in guys is .. questionable. She always goes for the asshole jocks who treat her less than she deserves.

Me on the other hand have always been the 'uptight friend', as Kim would say. I think first and then act , I'm aware , cautious and cut throat. The way I am has never made me popular really but it helped me a lot when I started out in the business world. Compared to Kim I'm nothing to brag about but I don't necessarily hate myself, I'm just comfortable in the way I look. I have beautiful flawless skin with naturally long light blonde hair, full light pink lips , gorgeous curves , a slim waist, average sized breasts , a too big of an ass, close to invisible freckles and light blue eyes with a hint of green, if you pay attention.

When I was a kid I used to hate my curves, bleach colored hair and full lips because, all the pretty girls were petite or had thinner lips. But as I grew up I learned how to be comfortable in my own skin and I learned to appreciate my body and weird colored hair. I was different, made to stands out not to fit in and I liked it like that. Although when it came to men or dating I was uninterested.

After filling Kim in about my meeting with Spencer we decide to binge watch the Big Bang Theory, our night is filled with laughter, salty snacks and pillow fights till we both pass out on the couch. Turning around I'm greeted by the suns rays and softly grown as I throw my blanket over my head, trying to go back to sleep.

"Well good morning sleepy head." Kim giggles and I hear her small feet make their way towards me, she yanks my blanket away and places a hot cup of coffee on the table. "Time to get up A, it's after nine." After brushing my teeth and washing my face I sit down on the couch, wrap myself with my warm blanket and drink my coffee.

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