Chapter Ninty One

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Cyan's P.O.V

"Follow me." I say through gritted teeth and I walk out, heading into an empty patients' room. "Start talking." They both sigh.

"It's not good."

"Did they find him?" Mikey shakes his head. You can tell that this is especially frustrating for him, him and Cy leaned on each other.

"No they didn't." He says through gritted teeth. "They searched everywhere, we searched everywhere but nothing. How-" He takes a breath. "How can he just disappear? How can he leave her? He said that he would never leave us- I mean-" Harry pulls him into a hug, gripping onto him.

"What did they say besides not finding him?"

"That if they've searched this excessively and haven't found anything then they should just close the investigation while their at it."

"That's bullshit."

"I hate to say it but, what if he really is dead." Henry comments.

"You take that back or I swear to god I'll shoot you my fucken self." Aurora spits out from the door, glaring at Henry.

"B-Boss." He looks at her shocked.

"Aurora, you're not supposed to be here." I say going to her, touching her she yanks her hand away, slapping me.

"You were going to keep this from me weren't you?" She asks through gritted teeth and her eyes water as she looks at me. "I can't believe you, when are you going to stop treating me like a child?!" I grit my teeth. "Everyone around me keeps hiding things from me and I hate it. You guys make me sick."

"That's rich coming from you." Stop.


"Weren't you the one who lied to Cy and sneaked your way into our program? Huh?! And now you're just pissed off at everyone because you're full of guilt."

"Cyan." I yank my arm away from Mikey.

"If you hadn't acted so stupid he would still be here! My brother wouldn't have died trying to FUCKEN SAVE YOU!"

"Cyan." My name comes out as a whisper and when I look at those eyes I know I've made a huge mistake.

"Aurora-" Biting her lower lip she walks out, I try to go after her but Mikey and Henry stop me.

"Give her some time." Running a hand through my hair I groan, why did I say that? How could I be so stupid when ... I myself feel guilty about losing him. I should have been the one to go, not him but I just stood there like an idiot. After a while I look for Aurora and find her sitting on her bed. We stay silent, not saying anything to each other.

"I didn't get to say goodbye." Tears slide down her face. "I couldn't say goodbye because I was too unconscious to even open my eyes." God damn it. "He was too worried about me that he didn't think about his own life, he didn't even care."

"Because he loved you Aurora." She shakes her head.

"No! Because I constantly made him think that he always needed to protect me or save me. If I wasn't so weak Cy would be here, with me, with us." She says holding her stomach then breaks down and cries. "I'm the reason he's gone." I hold her in my arms and let her cry. I was an idiot to put the blame on her, if I was Cy I would have done the same thing, in a heartbeat.

"It's not your fault Aurora, it's everyone else's fault for just standing by and watching him sacrifice himself. We let him do it alone." After Aurora falls asleep I choose to head home and take a shower but bump into Kim by the door. "You're not supposed to be here." She sighs then turns to me, sadness in her eyes.

"Everything is falling apart without him here." Yeah. "How is she?"


"I just want to know how she is then I'll go home because, not knowing will just drive me crazy."

"She's pregnant." Her eyes water.

"What? She's p-pregnant?"

"After the doctor told us she broke down and attacked him, saying that she doesn't want the baby, they had to sedate her to calm her down."

"I think if I went through what she has I wouldn't want the baby either, I'd rather have Spencer. She blames herself for what happened, she probably thinks that if she had just been strong enough he would still be here. No-" She looks at a sleeping Aurora. "She believes it, with every bone in her body."

"It's not her fault."

"No it's not but right now there's nothing we can do to convince her otherwise. Right now this is what she believes but maybe having this baby will change that. Maybe it'll wake her up but then again, I'm just hoping it will. It might not." 

"She might not choose to have this baby."

"She will. Aurora would never take an innocent life, especially her own child. She'll choose this baby, have you heard anything about Cy?" When she looks at me she knows and starts crying. "He's gone isn't he."

"They didn't find him." After Kim calms down I get her some water.

"Thank you, what are we going to do? She barely survived when he disappeared the first time, she won't survive this."

"Yes she will, because she'll have us."

"Mrs Kensington." Kim says getting up, running into her arms and they both cry holding onto each other.

"Oh honey please don't cry." She coos. "How is she?"

"Falling apart, I don't know what to do."

"Kimberly you have to think about yourself right now, it's okay to be a little selfish especially because you're pregnant." Her eyes widen.

"How did you-"

"I can see it all over your face." Getting into Aurora's room she brushes her hand over the side of her face and you can see the pain in her eyes.

"I'll give you ladies some privacy." I say excusing myself.

"There's no need to leave Cyan." I turn to her.

"You know my name?"

"Of course I do, I know everything about you and Tilly."
what do we think?

zendea ❤️

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