Chapter Six

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Aurora's P.O.V

"Hey." Justin greets and I smile.

"Hey! It's good to have you back." And he beams.

"Ugh! It's good to be back, I mean don't get me wrong, I appreciate the trip to London even though it was strictly for work but, damn I missed this city. London is so dull." I laugh.

"Yeah, it's pretty grey."

"Okay so back to work, Ben's assistant just sent over Cassandra's contract. Here you go." He hands it to me then looks back down on his journal. "Your 10am just called and is on the way, and besides your two other meetings today, you have a clear day."

"Okay, thanks Justin." Still standing there I look at him and he sits down. "Anything else?"

"How was the weekend at your parents?" He must be asking specifically about my father.

"It was okay." He looks at me worriedly. "It was good, swear. We spent the whole weekend together and it was a good time to unwind."

"From the billboard?"

"Subtle Justin." I make a straight face, I figure that the only other person who will understand my frustration about that damn thing is him.

"Who the fuck put your picture up there?!" Amen!

"I have no fucken clue, whoever the fucker was they made sure to stay anonymous when arranging this whole thing and paid cash, which means no paper trail. It's weird though because who would pay five hundred thousand dollars to put a picture of me on a billboard, no advertisement no nothing." Justin's mouth gapes open.

"They paid HALF A MILLION?!" He screams and I rush to him to cover his mouth.

"Shh! Justin shut up." I whisper and he stops. "You know what actually, get back to work because I'm swamped." After he leaves I start going through the contract and I can't say I'm surprised at how fair and beneficial it is, especially towards Cassandra's work. I can see why Ben is so respected in his field of work, he is a fair businessman, no tricks, no bullshit. Picking up the phone I buzz Justin.

"Yes Miss Anderson?"

"Can you please forward a copy of the contract Ben sent over to Cassandra and tell her to go through it thoroughly, I want an answer by Friday."

"On it."

"Thank you." If everything goes well with this partnership my company's status will only get better. Yes people take my work seriously but once I lock down this deal with Jefferson Pictures, my cred will be boosted and I can help more of my clients secure a better future while doing what they love. One rough draft after another I burry myself deeper into work, I ask Justin to bring me lunch so I can finish reading at least three of these today then call it a day. Adding a note on a page my phone goes off, ringing.

Kim: Hey!

Aurora: Hey Kim

Kim: How are you?

Aurora: I'm good, how's.. where are you even?

Kim: The Caribbean, you should see this place, it is so beautiful here A.

Aurora: Yeah well, you know I hate to travel but I'm glad you're having fun.

Kim: Right, sorry. Look, that's not the reason I called, I called to tell you that I miss you and to apologise about the argument we had before I left. I didn't mean to push, you have the right to be mad or hurt for as long as you want. I just want you to be happy and experience joy from something other than your career because, you deserve that.

Aurora: I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have lashed out at you, I know your heart was in the right place and you're right but I'm just not ready. Anyways, I have to head home, it's late. Thank you for calling, really and I can't wait to see you, the penthouse isn't the same without you.

Kim: Love you A.

Sitting back in my chair I hold my phone close to my heart. I would be lying if I said I mean it when I say I hate to travel. The truth is I used to dream of travelling all around the world, learning about new, different cultures and hopefully writing about them one day. That was my most important childhood dream but it died the day I got my heart ripped out of my chest, everything good and pure that I loved I soon came to hate. The pain left a bitter taste in my mouth for all of life's gifts, but that is also when I fell in love with books and reading. I would use written words to escape my reality, so after senior year I went to Harvard and did a double major in English Literature and BBA. After that my fate was sealed with literature and I've been pushing myself ever since.

Getting in my car I head home, after taking a quick shower I cook something light and easy.

"Ramen it is." Done cooking, I pour myself a glass of scotch to go with it. It's so quiet here without Kim, I think to myself. After dinner I just head to bed.

Kim's P.O.V

"Come to bed please." Spencer says coming from behind me and wrapping his arms around me.

"Mm." I hum when he places a soft kiss on my shoulder, I lean into him. "I will, I just needed some fresh air."

"You seem more at ease, I take it the call with Aurora went well." Spencer doesn't know the ins and outs of my friendship with Aurora other than that I love her like a sister, but I do confide in him from time to time about us.

"It did, she's not mad at me anymore."

"That's good, I hate seeing you stressed. I literally brought you here to see you relax." I offer him a small smile.

"I know and thank you, I love it here." I say holding onto his arms tighter. I know the world sees Spencer as this heartless playboy who, can't help but sleep with multiple women then disposing of them when he feels like it, and I'm not afraid to say I used to think that as well but, he is so different with me. I don't want to say I am the one who changed him, but with me he is so attentive, caring and gentle. He genuinely cares about me and what I want which is more than I can say for all my exes. Spencer sees beyond my looks, he appreciates my intelligence and that means a lot to me. "Don't be mad but can you do something for me please."

"What?" I turn in his arms and face him, making my puppy dog face, he raises his eyebrow suspiciously.

"Can we cut our trip a month short." He gives me a soft chuckle.

"Sure." He kisses my forehead and I stand on my tippy toes, wrapping my arms around him.

"Thank you, let's go to bed." I squeak when he lifts me up. "Spencer!"

"Amen to that." And we laugh.
Things are about to spiral out of control 😹.

Hope you enjoyed it

- zendea ❤️

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