Chapter Sixty Six

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Aurora's P.O.V


"Mm?" I hum in response.

"Wake up." I hear him whisper to me and I slowly flutter my eyes open. He smiles at me and I offer him a soft smile.



"What's going on?"

"I need you to get up and get ready for me, can you do that?" I nod slowly and get up. "I'll wait downstairs."

"Okay." Heading into the bathroom I shower and get dressed, choosing to wear baggy jeans, a white tank top, black leather boots and a black blazer then put my hair in a low ponytail. Keeping my makeup light. I wonder what's going on, after getting ready I grab my phone and head downstairs and find him making breakfast. "Thank you." I kiss his cheek, a couple of days ago we found out that I hate bananas, the smell of oatmeal, pork and I can't eat anything that has chicken in it so if I avoid those things, luckily I'll throw up less. Getting inside the car, he gestures I get into the front seat and he sits in the drivers seat. "What? No bodyguards today?"

"They'll follow behind." Right. He hands me a black silk band and I look at him confused. "Can you cover your eyes with this blindfold please." I can't help but laugh.

"Okay." Putting on the blindfold I sit back, when he puts his hand on my thigh my senses go crazy. Maybe this can be used somewhere else as well. "So where are we going?"

"It's a surprise." I smile to myself and take his hand in mine. On our way to wherever we're going we'd stop on the way, buying food, drinks and snacks. I don't know where he's taking me but I do know it's outside the city because we've been driving for a while now. The car comes to a stop. "Let me help you out of the car okay? And no peeking Aurora." My mouth falls open.

"I would never." I say in a high pitched voice then smile.

"Right." Opening my door he helps me out of the car and the sound of rocks reaches my ears, okayyy, then I hear the sound of water flowing continuously. We stop and I feel him taking my blindfold off, adjusting my eyes to the light I gasp when I see this big house in front of us with a beautiful waterfall by the entrance.

"Cy is this what I think it is?"

"Now before you say anything I haven't bought it yet, but I did meet with Kim and told her to put anyone else seeing it on hold until we decide." I turn to him, eyes glossed over with tears. "Do you like it?"

"Like it?" I run into his arms. "I love it baby. Thank you!" He holds me close in his arms and I smile, crying. After we share our little moment he puts me down and we head inside.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone yells when I open the door and I jump from shock, bumping into Cy. I look up at him and he smirks.

"It was Kim's idea." Of course it was. Looking around I smile, everyone is here, Cy's mom, my parents, Kim's parents, Justin, Amira, Ben, Spencer.

"Thank you." I say hugging her.

"Do you like it?" Kim asks beaming.

"I love it, it's exactly what I was looking for."

"Well I'd love to take the credit but it was all Cy's idea, I showed him a couple of other houses but he kept picking this one. Said he was sure that you'd like this the best." My heart flutters when I hear her say this, how well does this man know me?

"Oh my baby." My mom says wrapping her arms around me from behind.

"Hi mom." I turn in her arms and hug her as tightly as possible. "I have something to tell you."

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