Chapter Thirty Four

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Aurora's P.O.V

"This place is perfect." I say looking around the building space, I'm finally getting the tour of the space I'm interested in and I'm already in love with it. "It does need a little work, like maybe repaint the walls and put in new tiles, or maybe a chic wooden design on the floor."

"Excellent idea Miss Anderson."

"Don't worry Jerry, your job's not to kiss my ass." I smirk at him and you can tell his laugh is forced. "Your job is to sell me this building and to make sure that that transition is as smooth as possible. Right." I look at him.

"Right. Of course and I will draw up the papers immediately. How soon do you want this done?"

"As in yesterday Jerry." I say leaving.


"Yesterday!" I interrupt, getting into my car and leaving. Making my way to Kim's office I practically barge in, passing reception.

"I'm sorry but you can't go in there!" Her PA tries to stop me. I open the door meeting her eyes.

"It's okay Pearl, I'll take it from here." Once her PA leaves her smile drops. "You have some nerve you know that."

"Well you wouldn't return my calls, emails, I even faxed you! So yeah, I was out of options." Kim and I have never had a fight like this since senior year, when I punched her boyfriend in the face and broke his nose because I caught him shoving his tongue down Ally McCallester's throat in the girls locker room. And that was just for embarrassing her.

"Did you ever think that maybe I was ignoring you on purpose huh? Or what you thought you accusing my father of trying to kill you wouldn't bother me?!" I scoff.

"I never said that, I just told you what Cy and I found out, which you chose to take out of context because you act first and think later."

"Excuse me?"

"Always leading with your emotions Kimberly and never your head." Shit, I shouldn't have said that. "Wait Kim, I didn't me-"

"Opposed to you who locked her heart away because a boy she liked chose to rather flee the country than be with you? Yeah real mature honey, you know maybe the reason why you're so quick to believe him is because you're still the insecure little girl you used to be. Desperate for his attention." My body moves on its own and I slap her across the face.

"Well I guess now I know what you really think of me."

"If you ever lay your hands on me again I'll-" I laugh in distaste.

"You'll what? What more could you possibly do to me Kim huh? I mean you just ripped out my heart so exactly what else can you hurt me with ?!" I yell and she just looks at me. "Let me tell you, nothing. I get that you're hurt by what I told you, I really do but I am going to find out who did this to me and if it so happens that your father is mixed up in all of this somehow then I'll just bury him with the rest." I storm out. I drive back to the house, heading straight for my room but bump into Cy.

"Hey easy." He smiles but when he looks at me he turns serious. "Aurora what's wrong?" It's like I was just waiting for those exact words to break down and cry, and I do, clinging to his sweater. He lifts me up and carries me to his bedroom and he holds me as I cry. After settling down he looks at me. "Talk to me." I explain everything that happened.

"I just can't believe she'd assume that I was accusing her father of anything. I just thought she knew me better than that."

"She does." I turn to him.

"Who's side are you on?"

"I'm on your side of course but, maybe you should try putting yourself in her shoes. Maybe she's not mad at you exactly but more at herself. I mean think about it, she's known her father her whole life and then finds out that the man she thought he was might have been all a lie." I didn't think about it like that.

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