Chapter Eighty

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Aurora's P.O.V

My eyes shoot open as a siren goes off then someone comes into our room banging on a can and commanding us to wake up.

"Wake your lazy asses up! Up and at 'em!" We all jump out of bed. "You have one minute to bath, get dressed and head to the training grounds!" I run to the showers, take the quickest shower of my life, get dressed, and head to the training grounds. I'm the tenth person to get here, standing in line we wait for the others to get here.

"Today is your first day of training and I'm already DISAPPOINTED! Most of you princesses took over a minute to get ready so for those of you who got here late, I'll be referring to you as princess till I see fit am I understood?!"

"SIR YES SIR!" We all roar, making his way to us he starts counting.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten." He stops at me, staring me down. "If you have no number then you are officially a princess, now MOVE MOVE MOVE!" He says blowing his whistle and we all sprint to the obstacle course in front of us. The first thing we have to do is rock climb a wall, no gloves, no rope around your waist for protection, just your hands, and a long rough rope. I quickly grab the rope and start climbing, pulling up my weight I climb high and higher and I can feel my arms and hands burning. Getting to the top I see that we have to go down using the same rope. "Is that all you've got?! Move it, princess!" I hear John yell at the guys coming up behind me. Touching the ground I sprint to the next obstacle which is a shooting range, fuck we have to assemble the gun!

"Move it number ten!" I hear Red roar and I jump then start putting the gun together, there are three targets and I have to hit them all but just then someone pops out of nowhere and punches me in the stomach. I grimace. "You have to shoot the targets while fighting an enemy!" He comes at me again quick and ready, I manage to dodge one punch but the next one hits me in the face, I can taste the blood in my mouth. Kicking him in the knee he falls on it and I kick him in the face.

"BANG!" That's one target down. When he gets up we fight and he lands two punches, I feel the air get knocked out of me when I feel his foot on my chest and fall, quickly rolling when he tries to stomp on me I get up. Why is he fighting me so hard? It's as if he's trying to kill me. Using my gun, I run and jump on him then hit him in the head with it, using my thighs to flip him. "BANG!" Second shot, he tries to get up and I kick him down. "BANG!" Three. I try my very best to finish the rest of the obstacles and when I finally do I plump down on the ground with the rest of the guys.

"My god you men are a disappointment." Red says looking at us. "Get your asses in the shower now!" We get up and go shower. We all share one big shower so if I shower then the guys will see me naked, this isn't a good idea. If Cy were to ever find out he'd literally burn this whole place down, luckily unlike women, men don't take long to shower. As soon as the showers are free I hop in and wash up quickly, changing into sweats and a long sleeved crop top I tie my hair up and join the rest of the guys at the cafeteria. Seeing a chair next to number four I sit down and start eating. I don't really pay attention to what they're talking about but I can feel their eyes on me then he clears his throat.

"So ... what's a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this?" I keep quiet and just carry on eating.

"Maybe she's mute." And they all laugh. My eyes dart to John and he looks away, of course he won't stop them.

"If I shove a dick in your mouth will you speak then?" Number four asks again and I turn to him.

"Not with that size I won't princess." An irritated expression makes its way onto his face.

"What the fuck did you say?" He spits out and I chuckle.

"You heard me baby. What? It's not funny when it's your turn." It came so quick that I didn't see it but I for sure felt it. Slapping me across the face I fall to the ground. I feel a kick in my abdomen and I roll over.

"Get up bitch!" Getting up I wipe my mouth and see blood then look at him and smile.

"Come on now, is that all you've got?" I gesture for him to come at me. "Come on baby, give me your best shot."

"You fucken-" Coming to me I dodge his punch and spin, kicking him in the face. Showing his back to me I jump on him and use my thighs to flip him over, I can't let him get up.

"Get up Herry!" One of the guys yell and when I see he is I quickly grab his arm, put it in between my legs, squeeze and pull as hard as I can.

"Ahh!" I hear him screaming from the pain.

"That's enough number ten!" John commands, now he sees it fit to speak up? Fuck that. I look at him as I pull on this ass's arm again. "You let him go right now!" Only when I feel something snap I stop, getting up. He pulls his arm to him trying to stop the pain and I spit on him.

"You scream like a little bitch." I say coldly, walking out I stop, looking at John as everyone else looks at me. "Next time speak up earlier." I say before leaving. I know for a fact that I just made a lot of enemies but I also know something else, that I'd rather die than break.
Guys! What do we think?

- Zendea ❤️

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