Aurora's P.O.V
Everything, everything around me is rotten and bloody, the air is thick with a mouldy stench and I'm suffocating. Everywhere I look there's darkness but I can see a small glimpse of light, I just can't reach it. I want to get out of here. Get me out of here!
"Somebody please! Help me."
"Take my hand."
Slowly opening my eyes I grown because of the light, where am I?
"You're awake." Kim says and I sit up.
"My head hurts."
"You hit it when you fell, besides your head how's your throat?" My eyebrows furrow. "You were screaming in your sleep."
"I feel fine." Cyler. "Cy, where's Cy?" Her face falls. Quickly getting up I head for the door .
"Aurora wait!" Standing at the bottom of the stairs I freeze in place when I see Cy slowly stepping away from some woman, before they both look up at me.
"Wha-" I can't even form any words to say because tears are welling in my eyes and my throat is closing up. Did he just kiss her? Who is she and why is he looking at me like I'm some kind of stranger? When Cyan holds me in his arms I let him shield me and cower into him, like a little child, I'm too hurt and confused to care about anyone else but myself right now.
"Aura, I'm sorry you had to see that." My heart aches hearing Cyan's words, because they confirm my assumptions, that he was probably kissing her. But somehow, hearing his voice resonate so close towards me, brings me comfort.
"Cyan, take me away from here." Please. Picking me up Cy stops him and my eyes widen, as he glares at Cyan the one thought occupying my mind is 'why are your eyes meeting everyone else's except mine?'
"Don't touch her." Don't touch Cyan.
"Get your hand off me." I see the woman Cy's with reach for his arm but my glare stops her and she cowers behind him. When Cyan pulls away he's quick to punch him in the face and my heart aches but, before I can react, he wraps his arms around me again.
"Cy!" She screams.
"You may have lost your memory but I will not allow anyone to stand in my way when I'm protecting Aurora, not even you." I look away as Cyan takes me upstairs. Putting me into bed he tucks me in and even though the lights are off, I can still see his soft smile as he looks down at me. "I know everything is a little fuzzy right now but don't worry, it's going to be okay."
"Are they together?" I ask lowly.
"It looks like it." I really hope Cyan can't see the tears in my eyes right now. "When he got injured he lost his memory and Lony helped him get better, apparently she's a doctor and is the one who was in charge of taking care of him. He feels an obligation to her but I don't think it's more than that, yes she nursed him back to health but I don't think they share more than that."
"We don't know that."
"Why don't you get some rest and I'll be back to check up on you."
"Okay, Cyan..."
"Thank you." I say softly and when he kisses my forehead I sink deeper into the warmth my bed is providing me and dose off.
"Mm." Groaning I cover my head with my blankets.
"I brought food."
"But I'm sleepy." I whine.
"I don't care, eat a little and then you can sleep." Chuckling, I sit up and push the loose strands of hair back. Taking small bites of my food I watch Cyan type away on his phone. "Focus on your food."
"You're more entertaining." He smirks and I internally smile. "How are things at the office?"
"They're okay, because it's festive season the work load is low so that's a relief and the income is good."
"Mm, you're doing really well, Ben even recommended you to me till he found out it was your company, he was really shocked." Just thinking about it makes me laugh.
"He did call me and we're actually in the process of working on something together."
"Ben's good people, his name in the industries we're in holds weight but, I'd hold off letting people know you guys will be working together. I kind of want you to build good relationships with other people on your own, knowing the type of person you are." When I say this he chuckles.
"When did you get so smart?" I fake gasp.
"Whattt?! I am shocked. Thank you for the meal."
"She left." I know who he's talking about.
"Because they both know now who you are and about the twins."
"Don't you think telling him that much, all together, is a bit much for him? Especially since he can't remember anything about our life together?"
"He was going to find out eventually Aura. I think you should take this time to talk to him and ask the questions you want answers to. Mary and Benson will help with the twins but Kim and I will probably leave tomorrow."
"Wait, I understand Kim leaving but, you?"
"I'm sorry Aurora but I don't think I can sit by and watch as you and Cy walk down memory lane, again. Just like you, I need to do what's best for me." Cyan.
"But-" His phone rings, cutting me off.
"I'll be right back." I watch him get up and leave to take the call somewhere else. 'But I want you to stay' is what I wanted to say to him but, would that have been fair to Cyan? Would me asking him to stay be good for him or for me? And what exactly would he be staying for? To watch Cy and I work through things? Wouldn't me asking him to do that just be cruel, especially since I know how he feels about me. Ugh! Too many thoughts are circulating inside my head. Taking the tray downstairs to the kitchen I stay in place when my eyes lock with his. Cy.
happy new year my lovelies!
hope you enjoy this update 😊
what do we think 🤔?- zendea ❤️

Roman d'amour"Sorry I'm late, I stopped for coffee and bought you-" The ice coffee in my hand quickly hits the floor the moment I turn the corner, entering Ben's office. From the way he's standing as he has his back turned to me, to his physique. I know that my...