Chapter Fifteen

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Kim's P.O.V

"Kim? Are you in there?" I keep quiet as she knocks on my door, contemplating on whether I should open it or not I get up, head to the door and place my hand on the doorknob, all I want to do is open the door and tell her that I'm not mad but instead I just rest the palm of my hand on it. "Okay then." She whispers and I hear her walking away. When I suggested the trip to Bora Bora to Aurora I knew she'd shut it down immediately even though it's one of her dream destinations, I just didn't think she'd reject me in the process as well. Ever since freshman year she's been in this cage of a cocoon, keeping herself out of reach and making sure she stays strong but, I now honestly believe that it's time for her to turn into the butterfly she used to be. Hearing a loud thud coming from her room I make my way to her and find her slipping in and out of sleep. "Kim." She whispers before blacking out. Taking out my phone I make a quick phone call.

Aurora's P.O.V

All I can concentrate on is the throbbing pain in my head. Gaining consciousness I try to open my eyes. "Mm ... my head." I lift my hand to my face to try and shield my eyes from the sun so I can open the- wait, THE SUN?! My eyes shoot open and I am immediately greeted by a cool breeze and endless ocean waves. I frantically look around and the first thing I notice is that I'm not in New York, the second thing is my attire, I'm in a short and crop top. Why am I wearing a short? And who put it on me?

"Alright alright I'm almost done!" I faintly hear Kim's cheerful voice and it snaps me out of my panicking state, where is she? I get up quickly to go look for her and soon regret it when I fall to the floor, I feel a little dizzy. Trying to get back on my feet I abruptly stop when I feel two pair of hands on me, lifting me up gently. A shiver runs down my body when I hear his voice.

"Are you alright Aurora?" Why is he here? A frown makes its way onto my face.

"Spencer." I spit out and he smiles at me rubbing the back of his head. "Why am I here?" I say through gritted teeth and he takes me by surprise when he takes a hold of my hand and spins me around, so I'm facing the ocean again, I gasp. He swiftly makes my back come into contact with his front, "What are you-" He lowers my chin to look down.

"Maybe you should ask him." When he says this my eyes immediately come into contact with Cy's back, as he continues to speak on the phone totally unaware that I'm looking at him. He slowly turns and runs a hand through his hair, tugging on it a little. Carelessly looking at him you'd think he's having a very calm conversation but I can see a very familiar scowl on his face, he's very pissed and whoever he's talking to is about to witness their world crumbling down. All it takes is a second and our eyes meet, like the air has been knocked right out of me I inhale sharply, taking a step back. His furrowed eyebrows vanish and his expression turns soft as he hangs up the phone, when he starts walking it takes me a few seconds to gather my thoughts and quickly make my way to the door so I can lock it but I'm too late.

"αγάπη μου." When he comes into the bedroom my heart starts beating faster, it's like I can't catch my breath, I can't breathe. I loudly breathe in and out and he reaches out for me.

"Don't!" I shout, holding up my hand to stop him while resting the other on my chest.

"Aura let me help you, after that I'll leave. Please." Still trying to gasp for air I slowly drop my hand and he cautiously comes to me, he gently rests his hands on my body and guides me to the bed, sitting me down. Placing one hand on my back and the other over my chest, he balances my body on his. "Breathe Aura." He says taking in deep breaths, "Follow my rhythm, take your time and just clear your head." I let my body ease into his and follow his rhythm, closing my eyes and clearing my head. Before I know it I'm breathing normally again, finding comfort in his presence and for a second, just a slip second, I smile but then everything comes flooding back and I abruptly push myself off of him, standing up. I look at him with my arms folded.

"Why am I here?" I ask. He breathes out as if disappointed at my reaction then gets up.

"You always wanted to come here." Turning for the door he stops, "Come down and eat when you get the chance." He says before leaving and closing the door behind him. Looking for the bathroom, inside this big room, I finally find it and look at myself in the mirror.

"What am I going to do?" I whisper to myself, splashing my face with water I put my hair into a messy bun and head out. I don't know where anything is here, okay right now I'm upstairs so I stop and try to listen to the voices downstairs, following them. Coming down the stairs everyone comes into view, Spencer, Cy and Kim, they look at me and I can tell Kim has a guilty look on her face, why? I don't know why but my head immediately starts getting drowsy and I miss a step, falling I'm caught by big and strong arms but he makes sure it's in the most gentlest way. I look up and meet his eyes.

"I've got you baby." Unintentionally my heart skips a beat when I hear those words and I watch him carry me to the table, then slowly put me down.

"Thank you." I say, once the moment passes and my thoughts settle I look around, I look at the place and at everyone here. "Why don't you all start by telling me how I got here." I demand, changing the atmosphere from calm to unsettling. "Now." I raise my voice just a little.

"It was-"

"Me." Cy says, interrupting Kim, I look at him confused. "I made sure to know Kim's schedule so I'd know when she wouldn't be home then I broke in and spiked your scotch, so it would put you to sleep." I look at Kim and her face is screaming disbelief.

"You invaded my privacy and drugged me then kidnapped me? Why?"

"The last time I saw you you looked anything but happy and I needed to see you happy so I brought you here, I don't know if you've been here before but-"

"I haven't. My dreams of travelling died right around the time I stopped hoping you'd come back, I made a vow never to board a plane yet here I am because of you. You haven't changed have you, you still do what you think is best without consulting anyone! And did you for one second stop to think that maybe the reason I didn't seem happy was because you were in front of me?!" Ugh! I let him get to me, again!

"A.. I know you're mad right now but you need this, you'll see." Kim says trying to convince me, why is she siding with him, she should be on my side. Even though I don't want to be here I also don't want to be the reason everyone doesn't have a good time, choosing to keep quiet I sit down. The table is filled with so much food and I can't lie, everything on this table looks so good, I start dishing up but Cy grabs my plate.

"Let me." He says and I just keep quiet, I watch him put down the plate and grab a bowl, putting every fruit he thinks I'll like in there then yoghurt on the side, he then places two more plates in front of me, filled with everything I like from eggs and bacon to sausages and croissants. When he's done dishing up for himself as well he looks at me and I start eating.

"Mm." I moan as I take a mouthful of my fruit salad, taking two more spoons I feel a shiver run down my back and when I look up I see Cy and he has this mischievous smirk on his face as he eats his food, for some reason that makes me really nervous. After breakfast Kim tries to convince me to go to the beach but I refuse, all I really want to do is be alone with my thoughts right now. I head upstairs and head to the bedroom, crawling onto the bed I lay down and just take a breath, looking up at the ceiling. The door opens, assuming it's Kim I don't get up. "If you're going to try and convince me about going to the beach you can forget it, my answer is still no."

"Come with us." He says and I shoot up.

"What are you doing here?" I ask frantically. He doesn't say anything instead takes off his shirt and I swear my eyes popped, my eyes travel from his firm shoulders to his toned physique. Before closing the bathroom door he turns to me.

"Didn't Kim tell you, this is our bedroom." He smirks then closes the door.
😭 I'm screaming!

Hope you guys like it :)

- zendea ❤️

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