Chapter Hundred & Fourteen

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Cy's P.O.V

"Aurora, Aurora wake up."

"Mm." She hums in her sleep, smiling. I smile while looking down at her.

"Angel, you said you wanted to head over to Ben's place for lunch today. Have you changed your mind?" Groaning she covers her head with the blanket and sinks deeper into the bed.

"I'm getting up."

"I told you to lay off the vodka last night."

"I should have listened, I deeply regret it now." Chuckling, I put the tray of food I brought for her by the bedside table.

"Get up, eat and take a nice bath. The water is ready for you so take your time." I advise leaving. Getting the kids ready, I dress them then lay out their toys and sit them on the carpet. "I'll be right back, Reagan, behave." I point at him, taking one of the baby monitors with me into the shower. Getting out, I pull out navy formal pants, a white shirt and some shoes. I leave two buttons undone at the top then fix my hair.

"Aw! My cute chiclets, did daddy leave you here all by yourselves?" I hear Aurora's voice over the baby monitor as she jingles one of their toys. "Are you guys excited to see uncle Ben and uncle Jamie? Yeah I am too, I think daddy is too because he hasn't seen them in a really long time."

"Ah!" That sounds like Reign.

"Exactly! My sweet girl. I want you guys to behave okay? And not bother daddy today then when he's all better, the four of us are going to go somewhere with a beautiful ocean view and have lots of fun!" Softly chuckling, I put on my shoes. You won't have to wait long Angel. Standing by the door I watch her play with our kids and find myself smiling, this is the sight I love the most. Seeing them like this.

"What are you guys doing?"

"Oh! Are you done?"

"Yeah, you ready to go?" She nods getting up and coming to me.

"Mhm." I pull her into my arms, kissing her head.

"You look beautiful Angel." I feel her smile against my chest.

"Thank you, you look really nice too. I'm so glad I gave everybody time off from work, because I get to experience being driven by you for a change." She giggles while deciding on which car we should take. "We should take the 65 Brabus."

"Okay, I'll strap them in, you can go ahead."

"Thank you." Making sure the kids are safely seated, I get in and we drive off. "I'm so glad the media has backed off now."

"It's the holiday season, they're off duty."

"We can't hide you away in the house forever, what do you plan to do now that you're back and you remember everything?"

"I'll tell you when I have the answers to your questions." She softly nods , tucking a strand away then looks out the window. I can see her warm smile from her reflection. The air around us is a bit fragile but I honestly hope it doesn't stay that way for long. Arriving, I press the buzzer at the gate.

"Jefferson residence."

"Lillian, it's Cy. Please open the gate."

"Oh my! My boy is already here? Come in right away!" I can hear the excitement in her voice as she buzzes us in.

"She sounds nice."

"She is, I know she'll like you too." Just like Maria, who's been working for my family and took care of me as a child, Lilian has been that for Ben. I've known her for almost as long as I've know Ben. Parking, I get out and open the door for Aurora then we take the twins out with their bag. "What's that?"

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