Chapter Seventy Seven

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Cy's P.O.V

There's something bothering her, I just know it. I can see the reflection of her face through the window and that face she's making is telling me everything I need to know.

"Aurora." I command her to look at me. She turns to me but I don't meet her eyes, keeping them on the road.


"I love you. I can't live without you."

"I love you Cy." Arriving at the airport I help her into the jet and eventually we take off, calling her to me she places herself on my lap and I wrap my arms around her waist, making her lay her head on the crook of my neck.

"Why do I feel like there's something you're keeping from me?" She doesn't say anything. "Aurora-"

"I'm afraid that if I tell you, it will hurt you and I don't want to do that." She finally says cutting me off, what could be troubling her this much?

"I'd rather have your honesty." Looking into my eyes she pecks my lips.

"If where we're going there's dinner then I'll tell you over dinner. Okay?" Choosing to wait I nod and she lays her head on me again. Landing, we make our way to the art museum. Arriving she smiles and looks at me. I throw a smirk her way and we go in, I booked the whole museum for our date, so it can just be the two of us. "It's empty." She says looking around. Music starts playing and she cluelessly looks around. She's really cute. Like a game of hide and seek she tries to find the source of the sound and finally, finds a harpist at the centre of the museum with a dinner table and two waiters. Turning to me she beams.

"Are you surprised?" I ask putting my hands in my pockets.

"Oh, you did good kid." She says making her way to the table, pulling out her chair she sits down and I follow. After ordering, I pour us a glass of champagne. Watching her take a sip my heart beats a little faster, can I take the place of that glass?

"Are you ready to talk?" A sour look overtakes her face. The food arrives and she thanks the waiter. I watch her down the champagne and I pour her another glass. She quickly downs it as well.

"Whenever you and I are about to have sex memories of the day we lost our baby and how we lost it flash in my head." She sighs laughing bitterly. "It's like a paralysing memory that I can't seem to control." She looks at me with tears in her eyes and I bite the inside of my cheek, furrowing my eyebrows. "I don't mean to hurt you Cy, I know you blamed yourself when we lost our baby and I made it worse when I pushed you away, but it wasn't your fault. It wasn't mine either but now, I can't seem to forget." Taking a napkin I kneel beside her and she turns to me, I wipe her tears away and hold her face in my hands.

"I hate seeing you cry Angel." All I want to see is her crying tears of joy. "It's okay, thank you for being honest with me baby and don't worry, you didn't hurt me."

"Really?" I nod.

"The only way anyone can hurt me is by hurting you, anything other than that won't work." Standing up I ask for her hand. "Dance with me." She smiles taking my hand and I pull her to me, wrapping my arms around her small frame. Dancing to the music I feel her breathing calm. After dancing we eat then look at almost every piece of art in the museum. Aurora loves art so I knew this place would make her happy. We choose to eat our dessert outside while gazing at the stars.



"Thank you for tonight, I had a really good time." I kiss her forehead. "You do so much for me that it almost makes me feel guilty just how happy you make me. Before you came back into my life I thought I was happy but I wasn't, I'm happy now, with you." She looks up at me. "I love you Cyler." After our date we head back home,  Aurora falls asleep while I make reservations at the hotel and by the time we get there everything is arranged. Carrying her up the stairs, people around can't help but stare, putting her in bed I take a shower then head to bed as well.

"Cy! Come eat before you leave." She yells from the other side of the room and I smirk. "What time is your flight?" I look at my watch.

"In an hour, so I have time."

"Hello." She says kissing me and putting down my breakfast. I'm leaving for London today, to close another deal. I'm hoping to make it a two day trip so I can come back to Aurora. "How long will you be gone?"

"Hopefully just two days."

"I think the house will be ready by the time you get back."

"Don't overwork yourself." I hear her giggle.

"I won't." Getting a call from Eric, he tells me he's downstairs.

"I have to go, see you in two days." I kiss her hungrily.

"Come home, I love you." She says before peeling her arms from around me and I leave.

Aurora's P.O.V

After he leaves I pick up my phone, making the call.

"Hey, I need a favour." After taking a shower and getting dressed I head to the house. "Hey guys." I greet my workers, heading inside I go upstairs and see that they've already delivered the furniture. We start moving everything around and after multiple tries I finally make up my mind on where I'd like everything to go. After everyone leaves I lock up and go to an early dinner with Kim.

"Hey." She says hugging me and we take our seats. "I have something to show you." She beams and I wait in anticipation.

"You're glowing." Taking out a cream white envelope, she hands it to me. When I open it I gasp. "Oh Kim it's beautiful." I say looking at her wedding invitation. The actual invitation card is hard and is covered with silk material, as if moving in waves, then the writing on top is made of gold, over the top just like Kimberly.

"You are the first person to officially be invited to Spencer and I's wedding." When I see the date I'm shocked.

"Four months from now?" I eye her and she shrugs.

"I know but don't worry, with your help and my wedding planner's help everything will fall into place." I laugh.

"My help?!" She makes the puppy dog face.

"Don't do this to me Aurora." Ugh! How can I say no to that face. Rolling my eyes I give in.

"Fine." While having dinner a waiter comes to our table and hands me an envelope, telling me someone dropped it off for me at the reception.

"What is that?" She asks curiously and I shake my head.

"Some documents for Cy, nothing interesting."

"Oh okay." Slipping the file into my bag I carry on with my dinner with Kim. Let the games begin.
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- Zendea ❤️

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