Aurora's P.O.V
"Aurora, right on time."
"Morning Amelie." I greet her with a smile, waving with one hand and my CV in the other.
"Good morning, are you ready? Like I said before that we're looking for a male and female so you will be interviewed along with other applicants. But don't be nervous, just be yourself and do your best." She smiles at me.
"Thank you, I will."
"Okay, just wait here, the manager will call you in shortly." Sitting down I'm greeted by the eager faces of the other applicants, more women than men but then again not a lot of guys apply to be waiters. Looking to the side I meet the eyes of the girl next to me.
"Hello." I smile and she eyes me down."Je vais obtenir ce travail alors pourquoi ne vous rendriez-vous pas service et vous éviteriez l'embarras."
"I'm going to get this job so why don't you do yourself a favour and save yourself the embarrassment." I grind my teeth in annoyance and look away, now I remember why I hate this place. Everyone from here has a stick up their fucken ass."Camille, you're next." She looks at Amelie then fakes a smile.
"Good luck." She says before getting up and going in. A couple more girls and guys are called in before it's my turn.
"Okay Aurora, you're up next." I'll be honest, I didn't go to a lot of interviews when I was younger, nor did I have a hard time finding a job but I guess I can put that weight on the fact that I come from a moneyed family. Still, that doesn't mean I didn't work hard to get to where I am, and even though I didn't get the experience, I know how to act professionally because I run a business. Walking in I greet the manager and take a seat, ironing out my pencil skirt with my hands.
"Good day." I say smiling and handing her my CV.
"Good morning, a pleasure to meet you Aurora." She says looking at my CV, after taking her time to go through it she looks at me. "I can't say I'm not impressed, you went to the best school in the United States, graduated top of your class and you come highly recommended by one of the top publishing companies there yet, you're here being interviewed to be a waitress at my little café? I don't understand." I smile looking down, I can't really tell her the real reason I want this job is because I need to keep busy but, maybe I can share a part of the truth?
"I left home because I was running away from something." I start off honestly, "And on my second day here, while taking a walk I came by this cafe and immediately fell in love with the peace it provided me. I know I'm over qualified yet have no working experience but, I really do want to work here. I am a fast learner and have great people skills, so I'm sure I can perform my duties to the best of my ability. Not only that but I know that working in a place I like will only make me do my job even better." The interview goes on for a bit longer as she asks me questions and after thanking me for coming in, I honestly don't know if it went well or not so to clear my head I take a little walk. Ooh! An ice cream stand-
"Oof." I bump into something hard, taking a few steps back.
"Oh je suis désolé."
"Oh, I'm sorry." He says as his hands hold onto my shoulders, giving me balance and our eyes meet. He looks at me for a while as if trying to figure something out. "Est-ce que tu vas bien?"
"Are you alright?" He asks and I nod."It was just a little bump." I reassure him, waving my hand around.
"Oh, you're American." He says with a deep French accent. "I knew you didn't look French."
"Is that supposed to be an insult?" And he smiles.
"Well no, more like a compliment, it means your looks are refreshing." I look down looking away.
"Uh huh, well thanks I guess." Looking in front of me he then looks at me and hands me twenty dollars. I eye him confused.
"I'm sorry I bumped into you, I guess I was in such a hurry I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings. It looks like you're headed to the ice cream stand so, it's on me." Putting the money in my hand he runs off, waving and smiling. That was odd.
"Puis-je avoir deux boules de crème glacée à la pâte à biscuits, s'il vous plaît?"
"Can I have two scoops of cookie dough ice cream please?" I decide to eat my ice cream by a nearby park then head back. "Ahh, I didn't really do anything again today. I'm so bored." I breathe out, throwing myself on the bed. I hear my phone ring so I get up and get it. It's new, so the only person who's calling right now must be Carolie, the manager of the café.Aurora: hello?
Carolie: Aurora?
Aurora: Yes this is she.
Carolie: This is Carolie, the manager of Luè café, I'm calling in regards to your interview. Congratulations, you got the job. I hope to see you at work Monday morning.
Aurora: Thank you so much! You won't regret it.
I smile ear to ear from excitement after hanging up, a little later I receive a message from Amelie, with information on the dress code, the rules and so forth. After we covered that, we started chatting away like friends, we don't know each other but she's easy to talk to and to get along with, she even told me that both positions were filled and that I'd have to learn how to make the coffee orders and work the register, not just take orders. The weekend went by in a blink of an eye and before I knew it it was already Monday. Work starts at 9 o'clock sharp so I had to wake up at 06:30 just to be safe, after my shower I put on my white shirt, black pencil skirt and black pumps then tie my hair into a ponytail. Looking myself over in the mirror I nod, looks good, and after breakfast I head out. Arriving at the door exactly at 8 I see Amelie already there through the window.
"Good morning." I greet , walking in.
"Morning Aurora, you're right on time." She smiles and I nod. "That's good, I'm glad you got the job."
"Me too."
"Well, let's start your training before the café opens." Just then the bell goes off and the door opens. "Oh that must be the other new employee. Hello." I turn around and our eyes meet, again. It's him, the guy that bumped into me the other day. He's the other guy I'll be working with?
"We meet again." He smiles at me.
"I guess we do."
Please share your thoughts 💭.- zendea ❤️

Romance"Sorry I'm late, I stopped for coffee and bought you-" The ice coffee in my hand quickly hits the floor the moment I turn the corner, entering Ben's office. From the way he's standing as he has his back turned to me, to his physique. I know that my...