Cy's P.O.V
Before my head began to buzz with excruciating pain, I remember thinking, 'Ah, I wish I could remember how she smiled at me when she told me she loved me for the first time.' Now, as I look into her eyes, every memory we've ever created together, even the memories without her, are flashing before my eyes in a rapid pace. It's like watching vintage snippets of my life unfold. Beautiful yet excruciatingly painful.
"I missed you baby." I watch her eyes pool with tears when she finally realizes that it's me, the real me.
"Cyler, it's r-really you isn't it?" With a shaky voice, her teary eyes search mine and I can't help smirking softly.
"Mm, it's really me." Her arms are quick to clasp around me, forcefully pushing us against each other. Has she ever hugged me so desperately? Wrapping my arms around her, the palm of my hand rests on the back of her head while the other holds her waist.
"Is this a Christmas miracle? Can God really love us so much that he not only saves your life and brings you back to us but, also gives you your memories back?" God? I've never really been a religious person, and lord knows I don't live a faithful life either. So right now I'm really finding it hard to believe that God would shower a man who's taken countless lives with "blessings". Putting some distance between Aurora and I, I sigh.
"I'm really happy right Angel but my head hurts like crazy-"
"I'll get you some pain killers!" Leaving me she rushes to the kitchen and soon after, comes back with a glass of water and pills. "Take these, they'll help with the headache." I drink them. "Cy, what do you remember? Did you get all of your memories back?"
"I remember everything, even my memories as Mike."
"We drank a bit, you must be tired. Let's go to bed and we'll talk in the morning." Helping her up we both head upstairs and when I reach my door she calls for me. "Cy."
"Can I ... it's nothing. Goodnight." The forced smile she offers me tells me her true feelings but I don't want to say anything right now.
"Night Angel." I just got my memories back and even though I'm myself again, there are still a lot of things Aurora and I need to sort out. Brushing that aside and going back to how things were will only end up breaking us, if not destroying us. Laying on the bed I look up at the ceiling. I don't feel tired at all, if anything I feel anxious and I don't know why.
"I have to get back or-" In an instant I'm swept away by harsh and unforgiving waves of freezing water. Damn it! I can't swim upstream because the water's moving too fast, I'm running out of air! Gasping for air, the water forcefully enters my lungs.
"Ha ha ha!" My eyes shoot open as I desperately gasp for air. Moving my damp hair back I take off my shirt, that's covered in sweat, and throw it on the floor. Why am I dreaming about that now? Fuck! What a pain. Seeing the sun rising, I decide to take a shower then get dressed. Heading downstairs I stop by the twins room, standing outside. I know I've already met them but ... I'm me now so I'm basically meeting them for the first time all over again.
"Go on then." Mary catches me off guard. "They already love you so there's nothing to worry about, they're just waiting on you now." I release a sigh. Right.
"Thanks Mary." Getting in I close the door behind me. I can't help but smile when I look at them as they sleep. Man, they really are the most adorable little monsters. "Even with my nose, Reign you really do look like your mother. I hope that your brother didn't just inherit my looks alone, I hope he can protect you when I can't and I hope you guys can look out for one another." Turning in his sleep, Reagan puts his small hand over his sister's shoulder and I chuckle. "I missed out on a lot of things when your mom was pregnant with you guys, I wasn't even there when you guys were born and I'm sorry for that. But I'll always be here from now on, no matter what. I hope to be a father you're proud of and can come to for anything." I can't change the family I was born into but I'm kind of glad for the shitty life I've had, because now I know the type of father I want to be to my kids.

Romance"Sorry I'm late, I stopped for coffee and bought you-" The ice coffee in my hand quickly hits the floor the moment I turn the corner, entering Ben's office. From the way he's standing as he has his back turned to me, to his physique. I know that my...