Kim's P.O.V
"So what do you think?" I can tell she likes it, she can't stop looking around.
"I love it."
"I knew you would." I smile. "Cy?" I ask looking at him and he just shrugs.
"Whichever house she likes I'm okay with, I just want her in it." Ugh! That's flippen cute. She looks over at him and smiles.
"Well don't get too attached A, we still have six more houses to see."
"Are we going to see all of them today?" She looks at her watch.
"No, your schedules are pretty tight so we'll see the first three and then I'll arrange another viewing so you can see the rest." Looking at her she avoids my gaze, again, she's been acting a little weird towards me lately and I don't know why. We hardly speak and she can't even look at me in the eyes for more than two minutes. After they view the rest of the houses I pull her aside while Cy looks around.
"What's going on?"
"I could ask you the same question, Aurora you've been avoiding me." Her cheeks turn crimson and she looks down.
"No I haven't."
"Aurora you're as red as a tomato, what's going on?" She takes a deep breath and meets my eyes.
"I can't tell you." She can't tell me? Since when can she not tell me anything? I look at her confused.
"Y-You can't tell me?" And she nods. "Why?"
"Because it's not my place." I furrow my eyebrows.
"What does that even mean?! Since when do we keep secrets?"
"Just trust me okay." Even though my feelings are a bit hurt I nod. "Thank you." She says offering me a small smile. "I really like this one, it has a homey feel to it."
"It's one of the most classic houses in New York and one of the most expensive." We both lightly laugh. "I'll call Justin and look over your schedules to make another appointment."
"Thanks Kim." She says hugging me and I hug her back.
"Cy." I nod and he does too before I get into my car, leaving.
Spencer's P.O.V
Spencer: Hey
Kim: Hi
Spencer: You must be still mad at me.
Kim: I'm busy, did you need something?
Spencer: You
Kim: That's interesting, considering the fact that you've been ignoring my calls and avoiding me. I also feel like you're hiding something from me but you know what, at this point I'm just over it.
Spencer: Kimberly I-
Kim: I have work to do, bye.
She hung up. Things have been so bad between us ever since that day that I can feel her drifting away from me and I hate it.
"Sir the car is ready." I nod, getting up.
"Thank you Kayla, is everything ready for Friday?"
"Yes sir, everything is set and the deliveries will be made on the day in the morning."
"It's the location I wanted right?"
"Everything you asked for I got sir." I smile at her heading out. My driver opens the door for me and she smiles as I get into the car.
"You're the best Kayla." I say before heading to my next meeting. The day slowly comes to an end so I head home a little early. "Can you pass by her place Albert."
"Of course sir." As the car stops outside her apartment I look up and see the lights still on. "A little hesitant sir?" He looks at me through the mirror.
"She's really mad at me this time Al and for the first time I don't know if I can fix it." I admit honestly.
"Nothing an apology can't fix sir, Miss Kimberly loves you." I offer him a small smile then get out and head in, my heartbeat increases as I wait outside her door, after knocking. The moment she opens the door and my eyes land on her I grab her hand and pull her body to me.
"Spencer what are you doi-"
"Kimberly don't leave me." I whisper to her. "I love you." I say holding on tighter, we stay like that for a while and then I finally feel her arms wrap around me too, and for some reason that brings me comfort.
"Come in, it's chilly outside." She merely glances at me before getting in. "Do you want anything to drink?"
"No I'm alright." I say sitting down. This is a little awkward.
"Why are you here Spencer?"
"To take you home." She shakes her head. "When are you going to stop all of this and come back to me?"
"Stop all of this? Are you serious right now, how can I share a bed with a man who keeps things from me, let alone a home. What's worse is you trying to make me believe that what I'm talking about isn't true, as if I'm crazy!"
"That's not what I meant Kimberly."
"I asked for one thing when we started dating, ONE THING! And that was for us to always be transparent with each other, no secrets, just full on honesty and you agreed, yet here we are."
"I know you won't understand right now but please just trust me, you know I would never do anything to hurt you." Her eyes tear up.
"Then tell me what's going on, please." I sigh in frustration.
"Okay, Friday. I'll fetch you, we'll go out to dinner and I'll explain everything." She shows me a little smile.
"I can do that." Kissing her cheek I hold her close to me.
"I have to go, are you coming with me?"
"Things are a bit tight at the office but I can come over Thursday."
"Okay." I kiss her goodbye then leave.
Kim's P.O.V
"I'm leaving early today so please make sure everything is sent through before the end of today, okay."
"Yes ma'am."
"Okay well .. call me if you need anything." I say heading out and into my car. Getting home, I take a quick shower and get dressed, I don't want to look like I put in too much effort but I still have to look good. Putting on a simple mini black dress with red wedges, I keep my makeup light and liven up my curls. "Okay, cute." I say looking myself over in the mirror, hearing a light knock I let Albert in and he carries my bag to the car.
"You look beautiful Miss." I smile.
"Always so sweet Al, do you know what he has planned for tonight?"
"Just a small dinner Miss." Right, knowing Spencer, small means large. Arriving I head into the house and am immediately greeted by rose petals covering the floor, falling from the ceiling and harpists in the far corner. Following the trail, it takes me out into the garden where he's waiting for me.
"Small dinner huh." I smirk and he smiles.
"This is small." He pulls out my seat for me before kissing me lightly. "You look beautiful."
"Thank you." As the food gets served we make small talk over dinner. "Do I really have to wait till tomorrow for an explanation? I mean I'm here now." He chuckles.
"You really have no patience do you."
"I'm sorry baby." I pout.
"But don't worry, I ordered your favourite dessert." As the night falls away, we talk and laugh as if we had never separated and I end up falling asleep in his arms.
I'm back! :)
I know it's not much, sorry.- Klyde ❤️

Romance"Sorry I'm late, I stopped for coffee and bought you-" The ice coffee in my hand quickly hits the floor the moment I turn the corner, entering Ben's office. From the way he's standing as he has his back turned to me, to his physique. I know that my...