Chapter Hundred & Twenty One

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Cy's P.O.V

"How long are you going to keep this up? You look exhausted."

"Till everything is the way I want it to be."

"I'm not talking about your workaholic habits."

"Then what are you talking about Benjamin?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about Cy. How long are you planning on avoiding her?" I don't respond. Cutting through my steak I continue eating and eventually he does as well. "Love is hard, it's even harder the more real it is. I know you and Aurora have your own problems but silence isn't how you solve them."

"I love Aurora, she is the mother of my children but right now I just need time to think."

"What's there to think about? You just said you love her so go to her now and fix it."

"Ben." When he looks at me, his eyes widen then he sighs.

"Fine, I get it, you can stop glaring at me." He says pushing his plate aside. "I've known you a really long time, you're my brother so I'm not going to dance around your feelings. Whatever you think you need to think about is probably just an excuse. You're just doing this because you've never found yourself in a position where you don't trust her, no matter how hard you try. I can't pretend to understand, but I'm telling you, as your brother, to fix it. I don't care how." During our meal, I get a call from Mary.

"Mary what is it?"

"Sir I think you need to come home!" She says, her voice in a panic.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"It's Miss Aurora sir, I thought she just had a slight fever in the morning but it has gotten worse. I think she needs to be taken to the hospital."

"Okay, stay right there. I'm on my way." Abruptly standing up, I get the cheque and grab my keys.

"What's wrong?"

"I need to go, something's wrong with Aurora."

"Yeah man, of course. If there's anything I can do, just call." Nodding I rush out.

"Sir." I find her with Reagan and Reign.

"Where is she?"

"She's upstairs sir."

"Okay, I'll take her to the hospital. Mary you can go."

"But what about the children sir? Should I really go?"

"It's fine, I'll take care of them." Putting the twins in their chair, I rush upstairs to check on Aurora. I find her fast asleep when I enter the room.

"Mm." Her eyebrows furrow when I check her temperature, using my hand. "Cold." She murmurs. When she finally opens her eyes, they land on me. "Cy, you're finally home."

"Yeah I am. Think you can get up for me? I'm taking you to the hospital."

"What about the kids?" Her voice is horse and besides burning up, she's trembling. "Cy, we can't risk them being exposed, they might get an infection. Make a house call, Dr Keller will come."

"Okay, sleep some more. I'll be back to check on you." Getting Dr Keller on the line, I basically order him to come immediately and he complies. After giving the twins a bath and feeding them, I manage to put them to bed. I'm worried, how long has she been sick?. Carrying warm water to the bedroom I wipe her down and put a warm cloth on her forehead.

"You look worried." I am. She offers me a weak smile, caressing my cheek. Kissing her hand, I lower it. "Please don't worry, I'm okay."

"Cyler." He says standing by the door.

"Dr Keller, come in. I'll give you some room."

"Cy." I turn to her. "Please stay." I give her forehead a soft kiss.

"I'm not going far, I'll be back after Dr Keller's done with his check up okay." And she nods. "Be a good girl." Stepping out, I make her something light to eat and after some time Dr Keller comes to find me. "How is she?"

"I took some samples so I can run a few tests back at the hospital but I'm pretty sure she has pneumonia."

"What? How did she get it?!"

"She was probably exposed to pneumococcus bacteria, but don't panic. We caught it early and that's a good thing, I'll prescribe her with antibiotics that she'll need to take daily but until she's fully healed keep her away from the little ones. Give her food with a lot of protein and make sure to wear a mask when in contact with her. Exposure could make you catch it as well."

"How long will this take?"

"A maximum of two weeks, if we're lucky." I run my fingers through my hair, sighing. "Cy, she's going to be okay. All you need to do is be there for her." Leaving the medication she needs to take he leaves. "I've prescribed something for you too, take it, don't be stubborn."

"Hey, I need you to sit up for me, think you can do that?" Helping her sit up, I put a pillow behind her for support. When she sees the food she softly shakes her head. "No, no, you need to eat so you can take your medication and get better. Now open wide."

"Ahh." I can't help but softly smile, she looks  like a child. Half way through, she stops. "I'm full."

"Okay, fair enough. You did good." Giving her a glass of water, she swallows her pills then sinks back into bed.

"I don't want you to leave." She says lightly pulling on my pants.

"I'm not, I'm just taking these dishes downstairs then I'm coming right back." Checking on the twins, I go back to Aurora and lay next to her when she pats the space beside her. Her arms wrap around mine and she scoots closer.



"I'm sorry, about a lot of things, but mostly about hurting you." I can hear her voice is shaky. I sigh, chuckling.

"You're not playing fair." I say looking down at her and her dewy, teary eyes stare back at me. "How can I not forgive you when you look at me like that, crying? Hmm?"

"I d-don't know but, I really mean it. I just felt like saying it since you're here and I might not get the chance again, once I'm better."

"You should try getting some sleep."



"I love you." She says breathing in my scent and I pull her closer, kissing her hair.

"I know, I love you too."
sorry for the long wait.

tell me what you think

- zendea ❤️

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