Chapter Twenty One

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Aurora's P.O.V

As I spent the whole day with Kim I got more nervous as the time for her and Spencer to leave was approaching, under no circumstances was I allowed to leave as well and Cy made sure to emphasise how he would literally stop every plane I'd get on in an instant and I believed him.

"Okay, that's the last bag." Kim says, as Spencer goes to load it into the car she turns to Harper and smiles. "Thank you for all the countless delicious meals Harper, I'll be sure to come find you if ever I'm in Bora Bora."

"It was a pleasure Miss Stevens, come back anytime." She says lightly nodding then leaves and Kim turns to me.

"And you, don't drown okay. Keep your head above water as much as you can." I make a pouting face while she rubs both my arms up and down. "Don't worry A, you're going to be okay, it's just a couple of days. You'll be back home in no time." She says hugging me tightly and I hug her back just as tight.

"Okay, I'll miss you." I say softly.

"Me too." Spencer literally has to drag Kim out of the beach house just so they can go or they'd miss their flight. "Byeee!" She yells leaving.

"Bye." I smile, waving goodbye and just like that they were gone. After they left Cy disappeared and so did Harper, I decided to call Justin and see how he's holding up.

Justin: Miss Anderson! Thank God, I have been trying to get a hold of you but every time I try to call, it goes straight into someone else's line.

Aurora: Justin what the hell do you mean someone else's line? How many times have you called me exactly?

Justin: Over twenty times since you left, there are multiple contracts I need you to read through and sign, as well as book drafts, those are in stacks. Cassandra's book/movie deal will commence in exactly a month and she wanted to discuss the details with you, three out of four of the books that gained TV deals are a success except 'Thunderbird', you need to call Tom Cruise about that one. Oh and your parents called, they wanted to know when you're coming home.

Aurora: The emails I'll attend to later but right now here is what I want you to do..

After Justin bombarded me with all the chaos that was occurring within my company, I told him to call the team so we could have a conference call immediately. I spent hours on the line telling everyone exactly what to do to fix what and by the time I was done the sun was already setting, I was exhausted but even more so pissed off. I couldn't believe what Cy did. Storming to his office I bust the door open, furious as hell and of course even when he looks at me he is unfazed.

"You hijacked my calls?!" I raise my voice, walking in and loudly shutting the door.

"Aura-" It's like the moment I hear that name I just... snap.

"Shut up!" I demand banging my fist on the table. "I don't want to hear any of your crap. Break my heart? Fine! Disappear for over ten years without a word? Fine! Come back into my life for whatever the fucken reason? Fine! Drug me and kidnap me to another country? Sure but don't and I mean DONT fuck with my business! I spent years building this business, alone, and I put my blood, sweat and tears into shaping it into the empire it is today so don't ever think that you have the right to any piece of it, because you do not and you never will. I am not one to fuck with." I spit out looking straight into his eyes, he seems a bit taken aback but recovers quickly and smirks at me?

"Not one stutter." He says with a small smile on his stupid face, mocking me.

"Do you think I'm joking?" I ask seriously and his face turns dead serious.

"No." He says flatly. "I overstepped and I shouldn't have, it was my mistake." I guess that's about as good of an apology as I'll get.

"Don't do it again." I say leaving, when he gets up he quickly pulls me by the arm and our bodies clash.

"Who said we were done here?"

"I did." I say. Stay focused Aurora, I think to myself. He tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear and smirks.

"Oh little lamb, we are far from finished, in fact I haven't even started with you yet." Just then a light knock comes from the door and it gives me a chance to push myself away from Cy.

"Come in." I say softly and Harper opens the door, coming in.

"Dinner is ready." She announces.

"Okay thank you Harper we'll be right down." She nods, leaving. Holding the door I stop when he speaks.

"I'd like us to talk, after dinner." He says and my eyebrows furrow.

"Talk about what?" He doesn't respond, instead he just walks past me and heads downstairs, I sigh and follow. Cy doesn't start eating until I take my seat, it's so quiet without the others here that you can literally hear it when I cut through my food.

"You know you could try to at least relax around me." I look at him chewing on my steak.

"Well maybe if you didn't try to control everything I do I would loosen up a bit."

"I have a dominating aura Aurora, it's not a switch I can turn off." He argues.

"Well you weren't always like that." I say under my breath.

"I am not the same boy that you once knew when we were kids, I've grown and so have you, a lot actually and yes I am fully aware that most of that 'change' is because of me. I mean how can I forget when you are constantly shoving it down my throat!" I've heard him raise his voice before but never at me, needless to say, it is quite terrifying. "Look, I am trying okay, all I'm asking is that you meet me half way. That is it." He says his voice calmer. You can cut the tension in this room with a knife but I guess he's right.

"I want my laptop by tomorrow, I need to work."

"Done." Just like that huh.

"Then I'll try." I refer to the 'meeting him halfway part'.

"Thank you." Half way it is then.
These two have no relationship whatsoever 😹🤦🏽‍♀️ but I promise it'll get better guys.
Hope you liked it, share your thoughts!

- zendea ❤️

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