Chapter Sixty One

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Cy's P.O.V

"Did you really mean what you said to her?" I turn to him.

"She ran to you did she?"

"You didn't give her much of a choice did you? Plus she knows that I'm the only person who actually knows you so yeah, she came to me." I turn the other way, uninterested. "You didn't answer my question."

"I don't have to."

"Right, well I think that if it's really over then you should tell her that so she can move on, instead of doing whatever this is." I glare at him and he smiles.

"Trade carefully Benjamin."

"She would never betray you."

"It didn't look like it."

"Give her a chance to explain."

"I DONT WANT TO HEAR IT!" I yell, throwing a glass past his head and it shatters on the wall.

"Fine, but if you ask me, I think you'll regret walking away without hearing her out. You of all people should know what that feels like." He says before leaving. You don't think I know that you idiot? I've never been angry at Aurora before and I genuinely don't know if I trust her anymore. I don't trust that she'll stay with me or that she loves me, if she can leave so easily. Damn it! My head is all over the place right now.

Aurora's P.O.V

"Still nothing?" Kim asks handing me a bottle of water.

"I've been giving him some space, you know?" I've been back for almost a week now and Cy and I still haven't spoken. I tried to get in touch with him the moment I got back but he won't answer any of my calls or even let me into the house, even though we're not speaking he still has Soyer and Prescott protecting me.

"Space to do what A? Move on?"

"No, of course not but he clearly doesn't want to speak to me right now Kim and I can't force him to so I'm backing off a little bit. I'll try again after a while and I think you're forgetting that I'm the one that fucked up remember? So I can't force things to go according to my pace." She shrugs.

"I guess you're right, how are things at the office?" I sigh.

"So much work." I pout. "But Ben did a great job handling everything while I was gone, I just need to get back into my old routine." I see her concentrating a bit too much on me. "I think my disappearance has made everyone at work a little uneasy."

"It's only natural, I mean you did disappear quite a few times." I sulk. "If the head of the company, you worked for, all of a sudden started disappearing now and then and no one was able to contact her, wouldn't it make you feel uneasy as well?"

"I guess they think I'm unreliable now."

"No." She disagrees. "I think they're just worried about you, apart from everyone else I just don't want you letting your personal life affect your work anymore. You have to learn how to separate the two, yeah?" A lot of people may not know this but Kim actually takes her job seriously, yeah she might seem like a typical blonde from afar, a party animal who jumps from this guy to the next but she isn't. To this day, no matter how heartbroken she may be, she'll still wake up and go to work with a smile on her face. She's the most professional person I know.

"Thank you." I smile, jumping on her and wrapping my arms around her. "Thank you for always being there. No matter how difficult I get you always stay by my side and keep me grounded." She hugs me back and I can feel her smile against my skin.

"Just like you."

"I'll always be here for you."

"I know." Feeling the urge to vomit I get up quickly. "What's wrong?" I shake my head, oh maybe I shouldn't do that.

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