Chapter Fifty Four

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Cy's P.O.V

"You know I was thinking- Aura?" Where did she go? Getting dressed I head downstairs. "Aurora?" I call for her but get no response. Soyer bursts through the door and I eye him weirdly.

"Sir, Miss Anderson is gone." He says out of breath.

"What do you mean gone?."

"She just drove off in the Maserati and we don't know where she's headed." Just then pictures of me from last night flash on the tv screen, I thought there were no paparazzi. Shit!

"Track the car and tell me where she is." Running, I grab random car keys and get into the Ferrari, driving off. The moment I leave the house Soyer calls me.

"She's headed to her apartment sir." I make my way there as fast as I can. How could I be so careless, I try calling her but she doesn't pick up. Finally arriving I see the car outside and rush in, banging on the door.

"Aurora! Aurora open the door it's me!" She doesn't respond so I bust the door open and frantically search the apartment but don't find her. Looking in her room I see her closet half empty. "Fuck!" I roar rushing out and calling Soyer. "Soyer, get the guys and look for her, she took her car. Go search her parents place, her friend's, every corner in this city. Just find her!" I try calling her again and it goes straight to voicemail, damn it she switched it off.

"Sir, we went to her parents house, her friend's house and looked at every hotel and motel in the city but nothing."

"Fucken look again!" I roar and they nod, leaving. We've been looking for her all day but nothing. Where could she be. "Mikey keep an eye on her phone, she'll turn it on eventually."

"Yes boss." Where are you baby?

Aurora's P.O.V

Driving as fast as I can I try to get as far away from him as I can, I can barely control the thoughts running through my head let alone the steering wheel, and I know that if I keep driving this car he'll find me for sure.

"Stop." I whisper as the phone rings again and I switch it off. Parking outside my apartment I rush in and head straight to my bedroom then start packing. 'I have five minutes to get the fuck out of here' I tell myself looking at my watch, after shoving as many clothes as I can into the duffel bag I grab my car keys and run to my car, speeding off again. I can't go to my parents house he'll probably show up, can't go to Kim or any hotel or motel either so where do I go? He's my last hope. Parking outside a café 20 minutes from his house I grab a cab and head over there, as I knock on his door my heartbeat increases. He opens it.


"Hi Harry." He immediately lets me in and I'm grateful.

"Are you okay?"

"Uhm yeah, I was just wondering if I could spend the night here and borrow your phone please." I must look a mess, I was crying so my makeup must be ruined and my eyes must be puffy. He looks at me worried.

"Of course, of course. Whatever you need."

"Can I also get a change of clothes? This dress is kind of uncomfortable." He scratches the back of his head.

"Sure." And he disappears into a room then comes back with grey sweats and a white t-shirt.

"Thank you, where is the bathroom?"

"Down the hall, third door to your right." He also provides me with everything I'll need to take a shower. Getting in, I close the door and open the water then jump in, letting the water wash over me. My tears mix with the water as I silently cry, my heart is heavy and so is my mind. After a long shower and a change of clothes I rejoin Harry in the living room and sit across from him.

"Thank you." It comes out more as a whisper.

"Boss are you okay? Who are you running from?" I offer him a small smile, shaking my head.

"I'm fine Harry, don't worry. I just need to borrow one more thing, your phone." Seeing that I don't want to talk about it, he nods, handing me his phone. "It's me, I need a favour." I head to bed after dinner and struggle to fall asleep for a while till I eventually do.

"Everything's ready boss." I asked Harry to borrow me some money and I don't know how but he was able to get me a new passport and open an account for me, depositing $300 000 into it. Getting in the car we make our way to the airport , just one more thing to do.

"Thank you for everything Harry, you can take the money back from my original account after 48hrs okay." And he nods. "I asked my account to deposit a certain amount as well, as my gratitude."

"Be safe boss."

"I will." I watch him drive away then take a breath, okay I have to keep this short. Switching on my phone I call Ben.


"Listen I don't have much time."

"Aurora what's going on? Cy is going crazy looking for-"

"I need you to do me a favour, I need you to look after my company for me okay? I need you to make sure that everything runs smoothly and that my employees are taken care of."

"Wait! Hold on now, where are you going?"

"That doesn't matter, just promise me this, please Ben. You're the only one I trust with this task." I can feel my heart aching.

"Fine, I promise." He breathes out.

"Thank you, I have to go now. Goodbye Ben." Hanging up immediately, I quickly make another call.

"Aurora?! Where the fuck are you! Half the city is basically looking-"

"I'm calling to say goodbye Kimberly."

"What? Wait, where are you going? Just stay where you are and I'll come get you."

"I love you okay but I have to, take care of yourself and don't make any reckless decisions while I'm gone. Tell my parents I love them." I wipe a tear away as I hang up.

"Miss Anderson, we're ready."

"Thank you Dwayne." I say to my pilot, getting inside. Fastening my seatbelt, the door closes and I look out the window as the plane takes off.

Cy's P.O.V

"Boss! It's on." Mikey yells and I wake up immediately, almost falling from my chair. We stayed up all night waiting for her to switch on her phone while everyone else looked for her.

"She's at the airport boss." I race to my car and head there, driving as fast as I can. I can make it. My mind is paralysed, she's at the airport because she's leaving, she's leaving me and my heart is sinking as the thought runs through my head. Getting there, I run out of the car.

"Aurora! Aurora!" I yell, approaching the only jet there but when I get in it's empty. "Was there another jet here other than this one?"
I frantically ask the pilot as he approaches.

"Mr Kensington, yes sir but it left five minutes ago."

"Get me everything you can on that flight." He runs off then comes back. "Where is it going?"

"Sir the pilot who is flying that plane didn't clock in which means we don't know who it is, that flight isn't scheduled in either. We don't know where it's going." No, no, it can't be.

"Bullshit! Find me something or you'll be out of a fucken job. I don't care if you have to burn down this whole place just find me something!" I roar. She's gone.
BOOM! How do you like me now? 🤣🤣
If you guys have forgotten, Harry is Aurora's private investor.

Please share your thoughts 💭.

- Klyde ❤️

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