Aurora's P.O.V
"Oh my head." I groan as I try to sheild my eyes from the sunlight. Slowly getting up I make my way to the bathroom and start running the bath, after brushing my teeth and tying up my hair I get into the bath. It takes me a while to head out but after I do I get dressed, choosing to wear a black pants suit with a white silk blouse and white stilettos. On my way to the office I grab a greasy breakfast and head to work.
"You're hung over." Justin, my assistant says oh so obviously. I breathe out loudly.
"Yes I know that Justin, fill me in on today." I get straight to business.
"Well I just confirmed your nine am meeting with Spencer Publication, I had to squeeze him in before Ben and-" Choking on my coffee Justin stops talking.
"What? Why do I have to have yet another meeting with that imbecile." I ask holding the bridge of my nose.
"His assistant didn't specify why he wanted another meeting with you but she did say he mentioned it being urgent." Great. Justin takes my silence as an agreement to move on. "Next on the agenda is your meeting with Ben, which personally I am excited about, you guys are meeting because he's interested in doing a collaboration with us. He was, and I quote "moved" by the last book we published and is keen on having his company be our sponsor for the making of the movie. If there ever is one." My heart leaps the more Justin speaks, not believing that thee Ben Jefferson wants to work with us! Me! Let me just put it this way, if we land this partnership with Ben and actually have his name on our work, it will be the highlight of my career.
"When is the meeting?" I ask Justin looking through the list to see which book we published last.
"Ten." Finding the book, amusement envelopes me, he found 'The Deadly Mistress' moving? Interesting. "And that smile ?"
"Oh nothing." I shake my head. After Justin leaves I dig into my breakfast and find myself feeling better already then I call Kim just to make sure she's okay but her phone goes straight to voicemail, perfect.
"Amira! Let's go." I yell exiting my office, Amira is one of my employees, she always accompanies me to meetings to take down notes, record the minutes or anything else really. Arriving the same time as Spencer does, we head into my board room and take our seats. "Why are we here Spencer?"
"Always straight to business Aurora." He states chuckling.
"I just don't like my time wasted, especially by you."
"Look Aurora I know we mildly scratched the surface on us doing business together in our last meeting, which you obviously disagree with but, I think that together we could make millions." He explains, he is right about one thing, us doing business together would increase our profits tremendously but that's not what I'm after.
"You're right Spencer, us working together would make us millions maybe even billions but that's not at all what I'm about or after. I didn't start from the bottom, working my ass off with the thought of chasing money and power. I did it because I wanted to make a name for myself, to help people, to build something with substance and that's laced with unquestionable respect. And that is why I cannot do business with you Spencer, because the only thing you care about is money."
"You think you know me-"
"Power and influence! That's all you care about and I bet you've stepped on way more hands to achieve this than you've made millions. You are selfish and lack a backbone and I will never! Ever do business with you. Now please leave." I finish off getting up and leaving. Getting to my office I don't waste time in pour myself a whiskey neat and throwing it back. I know I was a bit harsh but I hate men like Spencer, who only work hard so they can have power over other people, and who care about nothing else or no one else. The phone connected to my office rings, breaking my train of thought.

Romance"Sorry I'm late, I stopped for coffee and bought you-" The ice coffee in my hand quickly hits the floor the moment I turn the corner, entering Ben's office. From the way he's standing as he has his back turned to me, to his physique. I know that my...