Chapter Twenty Nine

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Aurora's P.O.V

Everything happened so fast, after Cy received a call in the middle of the night he woke me up and ordered Harper to pack up all of our things while he locked himself in his office. By 3am I was saying my goodbyes as the driver loaded our things into the car.

"Thank you again Harper for all you have done, I'll miss you." I say hugging her and she gives me a squeeze.

"As will I Miss." Cy passes by us, yelling into the phone and getting into the car. "Good luck Mrs Kensington." She says sympathetically and I just nod then get into the car, driving off. The ride to the airport is gruesome and the minute the car stops Cy shoots out, still on the phone. "Please load everything into the plane." I instruct the flight attendants and then board the plane, taking my seat opposite Cy. I watch him take out his laptop and start working. The captain announces we'll be taking off soon so I put on my seatbelt sitting back. I sigh looking out the window and watch the plane take off, back to reality. I don't know when I fell asleep but when I do wake up I'm at the back of the plane, on the bed and covered with a blanket, I get up and open the doors, walking out and I see Cy still on his laptop.

"Mrs Kensington would you like anything?" One of the flight attendants asks and I just ask for coffee.

"When did I fall asleep?" I ask sitting down.

"Shortly after we took off." He answers not looking at me. Just then I get served my coffee and I thank her.

"How much longer?" I ask referring to the flight.

"Just over six hours." I decide to work as well so I take out my laptop, we both sit in silence working and from time to time he'll get phone calls, some good and some not so great. After hours of working I decide to take another nap so I head back to the bed, climbing in. We haven't had a proper conversation since we left the house, if he's not yelling into his phone he's typing away at his laptop. Closing my eyes I fall asleep. I'm woken up by the captain's announcement that we'll be landing soon, fixing my hair I head out and sit across from Cy. Finally landing, Cy directs us to the car already waiting for us and we get in.

"Miss Anderson." Cy's driver greets. It takes me a second to realise that I'm back to being Miss Anderson and not Mrs Kensington.

"Hello Eric." He closes my door.

"Where to sir?"

"Drop Aurora off at her place, I have a meeting with my father." I thought he wanted nothing to do with his father? So why is he having a meeting with him? When we arrive at my place Eric offers to take my things inside giving Cy and I some time, I get out of the car and so does Cy, he pulls me to him and kisses me. I kiss him back. "I'll call you." Is all he says before getting into the car and I just nod my head yes, walking away.

"Hey! You're back." Kim greets me while hugging me. I hug her back.

"Yeah, hey." She looks at me weirdly.

"Are you okay?" I don't know, I don't know how I feel right now.

"Yeah I'm fine, just tired, it must be the jet lag."

"Oh okay well, should I make you some tea or coffee?"

"No, I think I'm just going to go lay down for a bit." I say moving my bags into my bedroom and closing the door, changing into my pyjamas I bury myself under my covers. I can feel that my emotions are all over the place but what I don't know is how I feel, it's like the moment we left Bora Bora the atmosphere surrounding Cy and I just instantly changed. We barely spoke on the plane and he didn't say much when he left either, which was even more unsettling. I just don't know. Choosing not to think about it anymore I let myself get consumed by sleep.

"A? Do you want to come eat? Food is ready." Fluttering my eyes open I sigh, after laying in bed for a while I choose to get up. "I hope you're hungry, I made spaghetti and meatballs, would you like some reggiano?" I shake my head no, sitting on the couch by the window. I hear Kim place my plate on the table but keep looking out the window.

"Thank you." Is all I say.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I don't know Kim."

"It'll make you feel better." I don't know that either.

"You mean you?" I argue turning to her. "Look I'm fine, I'm just a little tired, I think after I get back into my old routine I'll be back to my old self." I explain and start eating, after my meal I rinse our dishes then put them in the dishwasher, heading back to bed. "Goodnight K." Closing the door I get into bed again, falling asleep. I'm woken up by my alarm going off, getting up I head to the bathroom, take a nice hot shower and then get ready for work. I have been gone for weeks and if I'm being honest I missed work. Choosing a black silk spaghetti strap blouse, with black pants and a black blazer I put on my red stilettos, tie my hair up and apply a basic makeup look with red lipstick then head out.

"Welcome back Miss Anderson."


"Good morning Miss Anderson."


"Miss Anderson?! You're back."

"Hello Justin." I say walking into my office and am greeted with multiple piles of menu scripts, dear God. "Justin-" I start off, looking at him expectantly.

"Do not panic Miss Anderson, the pile on the left are menu scripts we've gone over, before you left, and that you have approved, they're on their way to being published. The pile on the right are menu scripts that just came in recently, the ones you chose during your vacation and they're on the way to the editors. And finally the pile on your desk are new menu scripts, waiting for you to read through them and approve nor deny."

"Good work Justin, not just for this but for holding down the fort when I was gone." Not a lot of people can say that they have loyal and reliable employees working for them but I can.

"It's my pleasure Miss Anderson, well let me leave you to it. I didn't know you were coming back today so you have no meetings penciled in, I'll do that tomorrow."

"That's okay Justin just push all my meetings to Wednesday, I think tomorrow will be too short notice to pencil people in."

"Of course." He says leaving. God I missed this, well time to work. A light knock takes me out of my trans.

"Come in." I see Amira.

"Miss Anderson, Mathew from the production department is here to pick up the menu scripts and you have a delivery."

"Let him in Amira and I wasn't expecting any delivery today." I point Mathew in the direction of the correct pile.

"Deliveries Miss Anderson." I look at her confused. "I think you should see this for yourself Miss." And one by one delivery men come into my office carrying vases with bouquets of white roses and hydrangeas. Finally delivering the last batch one of the delivery men hands me a card then leaves. And I can't help the smile that creeps onto my face.

- Have dinner with me tonight, Cy ❤️_____________________________what do we think?

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- Have dinner with me tonight,
Cy ❤️
what do we think?

i love you guys

- Zendea ❤️

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