Chapter Hundred & Twenty Three

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Cy's P.O.V

"How is she?"

"Fully recovered." I release a breath. "Everything seems fine and all the tests came back clean. She can start eating solid foods and you can bring the little ones back, but please do so after the house has been thoroughly cleaned. Just to be on the safe side." He explains and Aurora comes out, putting on her coat.

"We'll do that, thank you Dr Keller."

"Thank you for everything Dr Keller." She smiles, hugging him then we leave. "I can't wait to see the twins." She says as I open her door, then we drive off, with the guys following.

"Me too, let me just make a quick call." Taking out my phone I dial her number.

"Mr Kensington."

"Layla, Aurora and the twins will be staying with me at that vacation house I just bought. Get it ready for them and make sure it's comfortable."

"Right away sir."

"Why are we staying at a vacation house and not going back home?"

"Dr Keller advised me to give the house a deep clean before having the twins stay there again, just as an extra precaution so they don't get sick. I don't want them experiencing being hounded by the media as we go in and out of a hotel either, so a private house is better." Taking my hand she offers me a smile when I glance at her.

"I appreciate how you always put me and the kids first."

"Always." Pulling up to their driveway, we find Ben waiting outside.

"Aurora, it's good to see you." He greets hugging her.

"You too Ben, and so sorry to trouble you and Jamie. I hope Reagan and Reign didn't cause too much trouble."

"Are you kidding? They were a delight and sorry to say this but, I don't think Jamie is going to let you take them away so easily." Getting in we find Jamie and the twins cuddled up on the floor, playing.

"Oh look it's mommy." He says and Aurora rushes to them, when she holds them in her arms she starts crying.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm crying." She says chuckling. I know it's trivial but, I still hate seeing her cry. After a while Ben and I step out and give them some space.

"So, how are you?" I sigh.

"Don't pry."

"Don't avoid my question, were you able to reconcile with Aurora?"

"We came here in the same car didn't we?" I hear his faint chuckle.

"Man, you really are one difficult person."

"You should be worrying less about my business and minding your own, when are you giving Jamie a kid?" His face turns sour.


"You know he wants kids."

"And you know that we're both men right?" A scrawl makes its way onto my face.

"That has nothing to do with it and you know it, so why don't you stop running away from the truth for once and be honest. If not with yourself then at least be honest with me."

"I'm not running away and not everyone can concur the world like you and Aurora. Life's not that easy for everyone."

"The fuck did you say? Easy? Nothing about Aurora and I was easy, everything we've overcome took real, hard work! It took each of us owning our shit and trying our best to fix whatever we had fumbled. And you know that! So don't cower behind that shit with me." He releases a sigh.

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