Chapter Fourty Nine

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Aurora's P.O.V

"Miss Anderson! Miss Anderson! Is it true that you own Aura Publications?"

"Miss Anderson why the secrecy? WHAT ARE YOU HIDING?!"

"Is it only after you found a billionaire where you took the decision to go public?!"


"Phew." I slowly breathe out, entering the building and closing the doors. I can still hear their roaring questions but at least it's quieter now. It has been like this ever since the gala, I haven't had a breather in almost two weeks, between the multiple interview requests, being hounded by the media 24/7 and my work load, I'm beginning to feel as though I'm drowning. To think that Cy and I still have to go view houses so we can move in together, just adds on to the already long list but, I am a little excited to do something for me, that I want to do.

"Miss Anderson you have a meeting in five." Justin says bursting into my office.

"I know, sorry I'm just trying to gather my thoughts. Can you make sure the boardroom is-"

"Already done, all you need to do is be there." A look of relief passes onto my face. "Miss Anderson are you okay?" He looks a little worried.

"Of course, why?" I offer him a small smile.

"I know it's not my place to say but ever since you and Mr Kensington went public you've looked more stressed and overwhelmed than ever. I know you have a job to do, as the owner of this company, but that also applies to your health and well being. Everyone here is worried about you and we believe that you need a time out." I offer his a genuine smile this time, I'm so moved by this. I know I'm a good boss but sometimes it's heartwarming to hear that my workers care about me too.

"Thank you Justin, I will admit that this is a little too much for me but I promise you that, it's nothing I can't handle. Everything is all happening at once so it's bound to feel overwhelming but the dust will settle, okay?" He nods at me smiling. "Okay now I have a meeting to get to." I say leaving and heading to the boardroom.

"Boss there's something we need to tell you." One of my employees says as they explain to me how information on a number of our clients' work has been leaked before their release date. I rub my forehead out of frustration.

"How long ago was this?" They all keep quiet, looking at each other. "How long?!"

"About a week."

"And why wasn't I informed immediately?"

"Well we didn't want to add on to-"

"Cut the crap guys, you know I hate being kept in the dark. You guys should have reported this to me immediately when it happened, did you think you could control information about our clients' work being leaked to the media by yourselves?" They avoid eye contact out of shame. "Ugh!" I storm out, getting my phone. "Harry, can you come to my office? I need you to do a little damage control." This meeting shouldn't take too long.

"Miss Anderson, a Harry is here for you."

"Let him in Justin."

"Boss, what's up?" He says entering and I gesture for him to take a seat.

"There has been information leaked about a couple of my clients work, work that had not been released to the public yet. So I need you to find out who."

"You suspect someone hacked into the company's main servers?"

"Yes, I need you to erase any trace of this information wherever you can find it, get me a name and see if you can't build a better security system. I want it air tight Harry."

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