Chapter Ninty Seven

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Aurora's P.O.V

Ah, I'm so tired.

"Miss Anderson." I turn to him. "Are you ready?"

"Yes." Getting up I straighten out my dress then walk out to the small crowd that's waiting for me.

"Hey, I've been looking for you sweetheart."

"Sorry mom, I kind of snuck away to catch my breath." She offers me a smile.

"Make a round, talk a little bit and then when you're done I'll take care of the rest." I've never been so thankful for my mother.

"Thanks mom." Walking around the room I talk to whoever wants to offer me their condolences and when I can't endure it anymore I take my mom's advice and head upstairs, leaving the rest to her. Standing outside Cy and I's bedroom I hesitate, I haven't opened this door or been to his office since I came back from the hospital. Slowly opening the door I smile to myself as the familiar scent envelopes me, it smells just like him. I softly run my hands over his clothes then settle on one of his countless white shirts. Slipping out of my dress and taking off my shoes I put on his shirt, undo my hair and slowly climb onto our bed. Grabbing the pillow he used to use, I cuddle it and let myself fall asleep. I faintly hear a tray being put next to the bed but I don't bother getting up, this is the first time in a long time that I've been able to fall asleep, peacefully. I'm not giving it up.

Finally choosing to wake up, I groan while running my hand through my hair. Should I eat? I'm not really hungry but, I should probably take a few bites or they'll assume I'm starving myself and the baby. Feeling full I put the tray back and lay down again, pulling his pillow to me I take a whiff.

"Smells just like him." I whisper to myself. "You know, I'm only going to feel this way for a little while and then, it'll be you and me so please just be a little more patient with me. It's not that I don't love you, I do, I just miss your daddy so much it hurts." Tears well in my eyes but I smile. "He would have loved you and spoiled you rotten."

Soyer's P.O.V

"Did she eat?" Mary asks. Softly smiling to myself I nod.

"She did." She looked so peaceful when asleep too, it's as if she didn't just go through this horrible experience. I'm glad.

"Hey, can we talk?" My eyebrows furrow at Prescott but I follow her anyways. When we step outside she closes the sliding door.

"Is everything okay?"

"If I ask you an honest question, do you think you'd be able to give me an honest answer?" My eyebrows furrow.

"I'm always honest with you Cara." She sighs.

"Are you ... in love with Miss Anderson?" My eyes widen from shock and it takes me a while to gather my thoughts.

"Aurora?" Her name comes out as more of a scream.

"Yes or no Liam."

"No, of course I'm not in love with her."

"Is that the truth?" Now it's my turn to sigh. I can tell that the look in her eyes means she's serious and I think that is what's throwing me off.

"Yes I love her but, I'm not in love with her. I love her like a brother would love his sister and, if you opened your eyes a little more you'd see that Cyan is the one who's in love with Aurora. Not me, his eyes shine for her." Her eyes soften.

"I'm sorry." Should I tell her that Aurora's pregnant? Probably not, it's her secret to tell.

"Don't be, you were just looking out for me." A certain look flashes past her face but she doesn't give me enough time to ask her what's wrong, opening the door we head back inside and I start cooking. Always escorting Miss Anderson taught me a few things about, the food she likes, the taste she prefers, favourite flowers or even what she likes to wear.

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