Aurora's P.O.V
After the story broke out the internet went crazy, it's been a couple of days since then and it still hasn't died down. I haven't spoken to Cy in a while because he's so busy but he does send me flowers everyday, telling me he misses me on the cards. Work for me has been crazy too, with Cassandra's movie coming out soon and the publicity for it needing so much attention it's a little hard to juggle it all. Right now I have a meeting with Ben to go over the other contracts he's sent over to work with other clients of mine.
"Ben." I greet entering the boardroom.
"Aurora, it's good to see you." He says sitting down and I follow.
"Should we get started?" And he nods. We cover everything that needs to be gone over, my clients join in on zoom as well and only after everyone is happy with their offers does the meeting end. "Thank you again Ben."
"Don't mention it, you have a lot of talent here. It's hard not to want to work with them all." I smile then sigh a little too loudly. "How are you really doing Aurora?"
"The work load I can handle, it's the other stuff that's a little difficult." Lie, it's everything. His expression turns into one of worry so I offer him a small smile, brushing it off. "I'll be fine."
"Hope so, you're no good to us exhausted and overworked." He jokes and we both laugh.
"How is he?" I ask after a long pause. Now it's his turn to sigh loudly. "That bad huh."
"He's unavailable and hard at work with is all I can say really."
"You're telling me." I joke and he offers me a sympathetic look.
"I think that's another reason he's been a little.. cranky lately. Not seeing you has him on edge constantly and if he's not biting his employees heads' off he's breaking things, he's a mess." My heart yearns for him even more when I hear this.
"I miss him too but we both also understand that right now, the best thing to do is give each other space, until this whole circus ends anyways." And he nods, agreeing with me.
"Well, it was good seeing you Aurora."
"Like wise Ben." We smile at each other and then he leaves and I head back to my office. I smile to myself when I get a spontaneous idea. Picking up the phone I call the house and to my luck Mary picks up.
"Kensington residence, this is Mary."
"Mary, hi it's me."
"Oh! Miss Aurora how wonderful it is to hear from you, things are actually a little bad here at the house without you."
"I know Mary, that's actually the reason I called. I was hoping you could help me with something." It's as if I can hear her smiling on the other end.
Cy's P.O.V
I miss her. I haven't seen Aurora for days now and it's not not seeing her that gets on my nerves, it's the fact that I can't or that I have to sneak around if I do.
"I'm busy!" I respond annoyed at whoever is knocking on my door.
"Sir." Mary says cautiously walking in. "A package was delivered for you."
"And that was the reason why you disturbed me?" I look at her.
"I was told that it is a very important package Mr Kensington, I have put it in the theater room."
"By who?"
"Have a good afternoon sir." She says leaving.
"Mary, by wh-" Sighing, I start making my way to the theater room and notice a trail of rose petals leading me to the door. Entering I smirk.
"Hi." She smiles my way, making her way to me.
"Angel." I say embracing her and planting little kisses all over her face, and she giggles as she says my name.
"Cyyy!" Pecking her lips she deepens the kiss, standing on her toes and wrapping her arms around me. "I missed you." She breathes out and I smile, looking down at her.
"I missed you too Angel, very much so."
"I figured you could use a break." She says leading me to the little picnic she set up. "Just like our mini first date but wasn't really a date." She laughs.
"I'm just glad to be able to hold your hand or to look at your face." Settling down and getting comfortable, she lays her head on my lap and I run my fingers through her hair.
"How are you?"
"Better now that you're here."
"No I mean really, how are you?" I look at her and she gives me a serious look.
"I'm handling the bad publicity as best as I can and not only because I have always believed that in the business world your image is everything but mostly because I want all of this shit behind me so you and I can start our life together."
"I do too." She smiles up at me. I lean down pecking her lips softly.
"Don't worry, it'll be over sooner than you think." Pulling her to me I slowly kiss her, increasing the intensity of our kiss little by little, she leans into me and wraps her arms around me as I lay on my back pulling her onto me by the back of her thighs. "Angel." I warn.
"More." She breathes out biting my lip and I turn us over, putting myself between her legs. We're quick to undress each other, more me than her and as our bodies entwine she wraps herself around me and I slowly bury myself into her wet core, feeling her suck me in.
"Ahh." She moans softly as I move in and out slowly, locking our hands together. She looks at me with her eyes full of lust, flushed face and her hair sprawled out all over the white sheets and I can't help but fall deeper into her. She has never looked more beautiful than she does right now. "Cy." She cries out when I pick up my pace, thrusting into her hungrily. Her moans echo throughout the room the faster I go and her nails dig into my flesh from the pleasure she's experiencing, I trust into her, deeper, faster and harder and enjoy her screams as music to my ears. "Cy I'm-" I capture her lips with mine, devouring every inch of the inside of her mouth.
"Come for me baby." And just like clockwork we reach our climax together. Laying next to her we both catch our breath as I hold her in my arms.
"The food's gonna get cold." She gasps jolting up and digging in, I chuckle and start eating as well. "I was with Ben today."
"Oh?" I ask.
"Mhm, we had a meeting, he wants to take on more projects with more of my clients." She explains to me what's been going on at work and about other things but the whole time I'm just smiling at her, not listening to a word she's saying. All I want to do is give her the world even if she's mine, that is my only aspiration in life. "Cy! You're not listening." She whines and I chuckle.
"I'm sorry, I can't help but be mesmerised by you." She looks down and tries to hide her red cheeks. Pulling her face to me I kiss her and can taste the cheesiness from the meal she's having. "Ready for round two?" When she hears my groggy voice her eyes immediately cloud over with lust and she bites her lower lip, nodding. I smirk tearing away the fabric covering her body.
Sorry guys, I'm busy with my finals.
Please share your thoughts 💭.- Klyde ♥️

Romance"Sorry I'm late, I stopped for coffee and bought you-" The ice coffee in my hand quickly hits the floor the moment I turn the corner, entering Ben's office. From the way he's standing as he has his back turned to me, to his physique. I know that my...