Cy's P.O.V
"I'm pregnant." Aurora's words keep echoing inside my head, over and over again. There is a child growing inside of her right now and it's ours. Getting out of bed, I take a shower, get dressed and leave her a note before going to the office.
"Good morning sir."
"Morning Mary, I'm stepping out for a bit, tell Aurora I'll be back soon and Mary."
"Yes sir?" She looks at me.
"Take extra care of her." I add before leaving. "Stop by Ben's office." I tell Mike, one of my drivers and he nods. Getting there, he opens the door for me and we walk through the paparazzi.
"Mr Kensington?"
"Is he in?" I ask the receptionist and she nervously nods, notifying his PA that I'm here I'm assuming. When the elevator doors open I'm greeted by Collin and he walks beside me.
"He's waiting for you Mr Kensington." He says opening the door for me.
"Thanks Collin."
"Man, is anything wrong?" He asks giving me a hug and we sit down.
"Why do you assume something is wrong?"
"You don't normally come to my office unless something is wrong, and whenever we meet socially it's because I'm the one who drags you there, so do you blame me for assuming something's wrong?" I roll my eyes sitting back.
"Aurora's pregnant." I just blurt it out and he freezes, shocked then rushes to me giving me a hug while laughing. I smile.
"Congratulations man!" He says continuously hugging me.
"Alright." I say softly but he doesn't let go. "Alright!" I push him away and he laughs.
"You can't let me have this one hug? Really?"
"Don't come any closer, dude you were suffocating me." I say sternly.
"It's called love man." He teases.
"Well keep it away from me." Chuckling, we settle back down.
"So how are you feeling?"
"I'm happy she's pregnant."
"But I'm just asking myself if I'll even be a good father to our kid. I mean the only example I have is my father and look how I turned out, I don't know man."
"I hear you but Cy, just because you had a fucked up childhood does not mean you'll raise your child the same way, it just means you know exactly what not to do." Maybe he's right, I may not know anything about taking care of a child but I do know that what I want to do is protect mine, love them the way little me wanted to be and give them a warm home.
"Thanks man." I say getting up.
"Anytime and tell Aurora I said congratulations, she's going to be a great mother."
"I will, now it's your turn."
"Tell that to Collin!" He yells as I open the door and I can't help seeing Collin blush.
"Be seeing you little lamb." His eyes widen and I smirk. Finally getting to the office I make a quick call.
Aurora's P.O.V
"Oh my goddd!" Kim screams off of the top of her lungs and everyone gasps, looking at us.
"Kimberly! You're embarrassing us, everyone is looking." I whisper yell and she rolls her eyes.

Roman d'amour"Sorry I'm late, I stopped for coffee and bought you-" The ice coffee in my hand quickly hits the floor the moment I turn the corner, entering Ben's office. From the way he's standing as he has his back turned to me, to his physique. I know that my...