Chapter Eighty Nine

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Kim's P.O.V

"It's okay Tilly, I'll do it." I say to her offering to feed Aurora. It's been almost a week since she woke up and found out everything. She hasn't said a word since we told her Cy is missing. Stepping outside Tilly does as well.

"Kimberly." I turn to her.

"Yes? Is everything okay?" She offers me a sympathetic smile.

"I know I haven't known you long and it's probably not my place but-" She sighs. "Are you sure you should be taking on so much?"

"Excuse me?"

"You just put the wedding on hold because of Aurora and you're here everyday till late, taking care of her. You're stressed and let's not forget that you're pregnant."

"Tilly!" I snap at her. Taking a deep breath I smile. "I'm sorry but you're right, it isn't your place. Just because you just found Aurora doesn't mean you know anything about her, or me for that matter. So please, mind your own business from now on and leave her to me." She nods and I leave. That's right! I'm the only one who can take care of her, especially with Cy gone. Re-entering the room I find her asleep with Cyan by her side.

"When did she fall asleep?"

"Just after you fed her." I nod, taking a seat and a breath. "You look tired."

"I'm fine."

"I wasn't asking you, I was telling you. You're tired and stressed and you know it's not good for you."


"What you're doing isn't fair on yourself or us."

"You think I don't know that? You think I'm that ignorant? If I don't take care of her then who will, huh?! You?"

"Yes." He yells and I dryly chuckle.

"Please! Don't make me laugh, you know nothing about her. What her body responds to, her allergies or what she doesn't like. You think I like seeing her like this? Seeing myself like this? THATS MY EVERYTHING ON THAT BED! And-" My tears fall as my voice cracks. "I don't know what to do, I'm barely holding on here, can't you see?."

"Kimberly." I turn around and find Spencer standing by the door, and my eyes widen.

"Spencer?" He makes his way to me, taking me into his arms.

"Kimberly, it's time to come home."

"I can't, I have to take care of her. She needs me."

"So do I, it's been over a week, I'm pretty sure you're not eating balanced meals and you look like you're not sleeping. I know you love Aurora, I do too but, is this the life you're choosing for our family?" How can he even ask me that?

"Of course not." I say lowly, tears falling.

"It's time to come home and take care of yourself, once you're better you can come back." Nodding, I give Aurora a kiss then take his hand, leaving.

"Please take care of her for me and-" I paused. "I'm sorry, I know you care about her." The car ride home is quiet and I don't know when I fell asleep but I'm woken up by Spencer carrying me to bed.

"Go back to sleep." He says looking down at me and I nod softly, closing my eyes again. Tossing and turning I wake up frantically to a nightmare.

"Aurora!" I scream as my eyes shoot open, panting heavily I look around and realise I'm back home. That's right, I came back with Spencer.

"Kimberly are you okay?" Spencer storms in and I nod. "Bad dream?" He asks sitting beside me.

"Yes." Pulling me onto his lap he holds me in his arms.

"You know, the stress isn't good for the baby. It's not good for you either."

"I know, things have just been a little hard lately and the more I see that there really isn't anything I can do, is the more I stress and spiral." Leaning back a little, I look at him. "But you were right, I need to start taking better care of myself and our baby. I'm sorry." He kisses me on the forehead as he brushes my hair.

"It's okay baby, I love you."

"I love you." We stay like this for a little while then he drags me downstairs and sits me on the island.

"What do you feel like?"

"Like sleeping." I say sulking and he shakes his head, chuckling.

"First you eat then you can sleep."

"Spicy." I say, referring to food.

"Mexican it is." And I smile, he knows me too well. I know when people hear the word spicy they usually gravitate towards Indian food but I gravitate towards Mexican food, I love it. And that is one of the things that Spencer and I bonded over when we first met.

"What are you making?" I ask as I watch him shred pork.

"Carnitas huevos rancheros." He says with an Italian accent. Watching Spencer cook while we talk about whatever comes to mind, laughing and just being silly puts me in a better mood. Makes my body feel a little lighter even. "Baby you okay?" He smiles my way and I offer him a smile, nodding. Finished cooking he dishes up and we take it outside. We have this beautiful dining table outside, close to the garden, with little fairy lights around and it's just perfect for nights like this. Warm nights.

"Thank you." I say sitting down. As we eat I ask him about his week, what he's been up to and how he's feeling. I've made this a habit with Spencer, because as much as he makes sure I'm okay, I want to do the same for him. Drinking my non alcoholic champagne my phone rings. "Hello?" It's my doctor, Dr Julie Watson, we went to high school together, her, Aurora and I and now she's my gynae. Crazy. "Oh hi Julie, how are you?"

"Hey Kim, I was just checking in. Haven't heard from you in a while so I just wanted to make sure everything is okay."

"I know, I'm sorry about that, it's just that things have been a little crazy here lately."

"I'm sorry to hear that, would you be okay if I set an appointment for you? Just to come in and see how you and the baby are doing."

"Oh of course, pencil me in anytime - oh wait, let me ask Spencer when he's free so we can come in together."

"Spencer? Oh is he the father of the baby?" I chuckle, hearing that is still surreal.

"Yes, he is. Spencer, when are you free?"

"I'll drop everything whenever you need me."

"When should we come in?" I ask smiling at Spencer.

"How's 10:30 next week Tuesday?"

"Perfect, okay thanks Julie. See you then." Hanging up I get up and take our plates to the kitchen.

"Who's Julie?" Spencer asks leaning over me while I rinse the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher.

"She's my gynae, and she just set an appointment for us next Tuesday." I turn to him. "You'll make it right?" And he nods.

"Of course."

"Okay, I'll call Emily so she'll remind you." Emily is Spencer's sweet PA. Such a nice girl. I decide to make one of Spencer's favourite desserts, peanut butter trifle. Asking me what I'm making I just shake my head, keeping quiet. When he finally realises what I'm making he kisses me, picking me up and I squeal. "Spencer!"

"Woman I love you!" He says kissing me again and I laugh, humming.

"Mhm! Especially when I make you food." After dessert we head to bed and I fall asleep in his arms as he reads to me.
what do we think?

i love you

- Zendea ♥️

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