Sisterly Love

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"Are you sure you don't need me to stay a few more days?"
Polly's face was filled with worry and concern. She had been looking forward to being back home but now that the day had come she found herself froze upon Aurora's doorstep. Stepping forwards Aurora let out a small laugh and wrapped her arms around Polly.
"I'm sure Pol, I've kept you long enough" Aurora smiled before pulling away "Oh don't give me that look m'orright, believe me"
"You'll call me if you're not?" Polly enquired, her request coming out as more of a demand. Could she really believe Aurora was ok?
The girl had never lied to her before and her eyes did not hold any hidden secrets, in fact they were happy and calm. As always Aurora was an open book but that would never stop Polly's worry for her.
"I'll call you right away I swear, now get out of 'ere before the men send a search party. You've been gone too long, the shop will be on its last legs" Aurora humoured giving Polly one last hug and taking a step back she stood in the door way "Thank you again Pol, for everything"
"Anytime sweetheart, now please don't be a stranger" Polly grinned picking up her small case from the ground and turning away from Aurora.
"I won't Pol, I'll be down for a pot of tea soon!" Aurora called out reassuringly meaning to keep her word and visit her Aunt often. Polly's house was away from the heartache and prying eyes of Small Heath and a place where she wouldn't have to worry about running into Tommy and Grace.
"Good, I shall love you and leave you. Goodbye darling" Polly sang turning to wave at Aurora one last time before she opened her car door and climbed in.
"Goodbye Pol"
Aurora waited by the open door, watching Polly until her car disappeared from sight round the bend of the street. She let the sun softly warm her face as she slowly closed the door and took a few deep breaths. Aurora was all alone again, the house was empty and for once Aurora didn't take pleasure in being by herself. She had gotten used to having people around, living with people, loud people. Now there was nothing but silence and Aurora found herself lost on how she could entertain herself. The house was clean from top to bottom, there was no need for her to scrub the floors when they were already shining. She could paint yet Aurora had no motivation inside her to do so. Painting was quiet, Aurora needed noise and with no horses she came to the conclusion that the best place for her to go was her parents.

It'd been a while since Aurora visited her parents and as she drove into the street she couldn't help but smile widely. She was excited to see them, she had even baked a cake before coming knowing it would make her Mam's sweet tooth happy. It felt strange to Aurora to park outside a house without seeing a mass of men waiting to place their bets and wishing her a good morning as she made her way into the Shelby home. Middlesbrough although extremely similar to Small Heath was much more quieter. Picking up the cake that rested within the passenger side Aurora jumped out the car and headed for the already open door. The sun was hot and every house on the street had both their windows and doors open to allow whatever breeze there was to rush into their roasted homes.
"Mam!" Aurora called out, blowing her curls from her face as she stepped into the house and listened for movement.
"In the kitchen bairn" Anne replied, her voice filled with joy. It had been so long since she had seen her youngest child. They had talked on the phone of course but nothing made Anne happier than to see her children in person.
Walking into the kitchen Aurora saw both Jane and her Mam sat at the table, both drinking glasses of cold orange juice while fanning themselves.
"I'll tell you what it's scorchin' out there ain't it?!" Aurora exclaimed placing the cake on the table before kissing Jane's cheek and taking a seat next to her Mam at the table. Leaning over she kissed her Mam's cheek and wrapped an arm around her, bringing her into a tight side hug.
"Had the kids complaining all mornin' about how hot they are" Jane grumbled whilst taking a moments pleasure in the peace she now had. Having four kids constantly whinging in her ear had Jane pulling her hair out this morning.
"Where are they?" Aurora wondered not hearing them within the house. Jane's children were like Jane, loud and very present wherever they went.
"Dad took them to the reservoir to stop the complaints while me and Mam sunbathed but it's way too bloody hot" Jane replied taking a long drink, sighing in pleasure at the instant cooling relief the orange juice gave her.
"I'm glad you're here bairn, there's been something your Dad has been meaning to ask you but he keeps stopping himself as he doesn't want to interrupt your studies" Anne smiled patting Aurora's hand as her daughter gave her a look of confusion.
"And you know Mam isn't shy to ask anything" Jane smirked with a small laugh already knowing what it is her parents wanted from Aurora and knowing her sister would say no, she loved Small Heath too much.
"What is it Mam?" Aurora enquired staring at both her Mam and Jane suspiciously as they stared knowing glances.
"You see....your Dad has been struggling quite a bit managing the business while your brothers are on the road. He's exhausted love and was wondering if you would come back to Middlesbrough for a few weeks to help him get everything under control again. You won't be doing as much as you used to but your Dad does need a little bit of help and you can still study while you do so. You can say no too, I know you like being in Small Heath with Tommy" Anne explained hoping Aurora didn't see it as them demanding that she come back. They didn't want to force her into anything but they did need help and Aurora already knew the business better than any of her siblings.

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