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Annabelle was always mesmerised by the Shelby house each time she came to visit to check up on Aurora. She'd felt proud to be personally selected to be Mrs Shelby's midwife and now as Aurora moved further into her pregnancy, Annabelle was prouder still. Aurora was a wonderful woman and not at all what she expected. She was pleasant and kind, she allowed Annabelle to work without correction or complaint. It was also incredible to see a man who was so involved within his wife's pregnancy. Not many men took care or showed their children any attention until they were able to walk and talk for themselves. It was important to Mr Shelby that Annabelle always left a note informing him of the baby's progress if he were not there to attend the home appointments with his wife.

"Morning Annabelle"
Pulling her gaze away from the beautiful bricks that built the house, Annabelle found Mr Shelby waiting for her at the open door. Putting a smile on her face she nodded her head politely at him. He didn't smile back, he never did but she never felt unwelcome. Annabelle had came to learn that his smile was a thing only his wife and son got to see, it was theirs only.
"Good morning Mr Shelby, beautiful day already is it not?" She chirped, never losing the spring in her step as she allowed him to guide her into the house.
"Indeed, Mrs Shelby has already made plans to go out in the garden and paint" He told her, clearing his throat and turning in the direction of the stairs "She's waiting upstairs in the bedroom for you. I trust you will report back to me before you leave"
"Thank you Mr Shelby, I will see you in just a moment" Already knowing her way, Annabelle left Mr Shelby and began walking through the house and up the stairs to Aurora. Clutching her medical bag in one hand she raised the other to the bedroom door and knocked lightly.

"Is that you Annabelle? Do come in" Aurora's voice called out, stifling a yawn. The night had been long. With Charlie plagued with nightmares, she'd found herself up and down all night with him. She'd been unable to soothe him for hours until finally just as Tommy rose Charlie decided to sleep. Looking through the mirror of her dressing table Aurora watched Charlie sleep for a moment, her fingers playing with the clasp of her necklace.
"Good morning Aurora how are you feeling?" Annabelle asked entering the room before she exhaled in surprise watching the emerald droplets around Aurora's neck glisten under the sun "My God, how beautiful"
"A birthday gift from Tommy. I was surprised too, even more so when they began to multiply in different colours but the emeralds 'ave to be my favourite out the lot" Aurora smiled running her fingers across her throat.
"Out the lot!" Annabelle exclaimed with a laugh "Do you know what my husband got me for my birthday? His drunken presence. I tell you I didn't allow him in the house for the next two weeks"
"Rightly so Annabelle, I hope he grovelled after" Aurora laughed with alongside her, getting up from her dressing table and walking over to the bed.
"He certainly did" Annabelle remarked proudly before she ceased laughing and smiled "Sorry, how are you Aurora?"

"I'm well Annabelle, I've noticed I haven't been feeling quite so nauseous these last few days. I pray it's comin' to an end and I managed to keep some jam and toast down yesterday but I didn't dare push my luck any further. Baby is beginning to move more frequently, it's the most amazing feeling" Aurora answered perching down on the edge of the bed, trying her best not to disturb Charlie. The last thing she needed was a grumpy tired child all day, it was like dealing with Tommy yet a more unreasonable version of him.
"That's good, it's important we try and get more good foods in you to help with baby's development" Annabelle smiled before glancing down at the child sleeping on the bed "Long night for the little one?"
"Yes giant man flesh eating bunnies really did a number on him" Aurora hummed reaching over to softly brush her fingers through Charlie's hair "He was almost as traumatised as he was finding out the baby was growing inside of me rather than comin' in the post"
"If only if were that easy! I couldn't imagine the amount of babies in this world if they came by post" Placing her medical bag on the end of the bed Annabelle opened it up and retrieved the pinard horn from inside "Let's listen to this baby's heart shall we?"
Nodding her head excitedly, Aurora leaned back against the cushions and untucking her blouse from her skirt she lifted it over stomach, her hands caressing the small swell there lovingly. Although she never heard the heartbeat herself this was still her favourite part of the appointment. Placing her hands on the bed, Aurora waited for Annabelle to approach her and sitting by Aurora's side, Annabelle placed the horn against her stomach. Placing her ear against the opposite end, Annabelle began to move across Aurora's stomach, her face a picture of concentration as she listened for the baby's heart.

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