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Tommy wasn't there when Aurora woke the next morning with a pounding head and a chill throughout her body. She remembered waking up earlier to see Tommy sat on his chair reading looking both relaxed and frustrated at the same time. Aurora had wanted to ask him what was wrong but she had been too tired and quickly fell back to sleep only to wake once more as he placed a kiss upon her head before leaving to go to work. They never discussed Campbell when they reached home, in fact his name wasn't to be mentioned instead they both slipped into bed quietly and allowed silence to fill the room until Aurora had woken from a nightmare. She didn't tell Tommy what she dreamt, she didn't tell him the horror of seeing Campbell resting above her, crushing her body with his as his meaty fingers squeezed the life from her. Aurora had muttered Bill's name and proceeded to roll over into Tommy's arms, giving him the reassurance that she was perfectly fine.

Stretching out her limbs Aurora stared up at the ceiling for a moment before getting out of bed. She didn't want to laze about, Aurora decided she wanted this day to be nice and filled with the things she loved. Campbell would no longer with a threat to her, Aurora wouldn't allow it. She was going to get dressed, go food shopping, have a bath and then paint before making Tommy his supper for when he finally arrived home from work. It would be normal and it would be nice!
There would be no talk of war and enemies Aurora would make sure of it. She also wanted to speak with Polly and sort things out between them, she didn't want her Aunt at odds with her or be grieving alone. Polly was in a vulnerable place and Aurora wanted to see that she was cared for. She knew Ada would try her best but she wasn't home and Polly was a very stubborn woman.

Once Aurora had washed her face and brushed her teeth she got herself dressed and wrapped up warm. She had learned her lesson from the night before to not go out without a coat and brace the cold with her bare skin. Staring at her reflection in the mirror Aurora felt like herself again and gently placing a small amount of rouge on her face she gave herself a toothy smile and picked up her shopping basket.

"I love you truly, truly dear,
Life with its sorrow, life with its tear
Fades into dreams when I feel you are near
For I love you truly, truly dear."

She sang sweetly to herself as she left the bedroom and headed downstairs, swinging her basket as she went.
"Aurora, is that you?" She heard Polly call out from the kitchen and Aurora was surprised to hear there was no malice in her tone in fact Polly was cheerful.
"Yes Pol, it's me m'goin' shopping do you need anything?" Aurora replied back, unsure on what to say or how to act and rather than go into the kitchen she paused by the stairs and waited.
"Come in here!" Polly ordered peeping her head around the corner and staring at Aurora with a large grin.
Aurora was beginning to wonder if her Aunt had lost her mind. Last night she had been angry, drunk and wild with no hope of getting her children back and this morning she appeared to be full of life and happiness.
Raising an eyebrow in question Aurora did as Polly asked and walked towards the kitchen, slowing down as she reached the door and peered inside.

There, sat at the table was a young man, a nervous young man. Both him and Polly were nervous yet smiled happily. Aurora could tell he wasn't around here, he looked soft spoken and soft hearted. His suit was clean and the little bow around his neck made him appear boyish and innocent. It was plain to see that the young man sat at the table was a village boy, raised amongst the greenery and good hearted people.
"Who's this Polly?" Aurora questioned softly giving the stranger a bright smile and feeling a sense of relief as his some of the strain in his body eased up and he began to look more comfortable.
"This....this is Michael...my son" Polly announced, her eyes shinning with tears and sitting down next to him she stared at him in pride.
"Fuck off!" Aurora blurted out, her eyes going wide causing both Polly and Michael to laugh at the shock that came over Aurora's face.
"M'sorry" Aurora giggled putting her hand over her mouth before approaching the table "Ello Michael, it's so great to finally meet you. I'm Aurora, Rora for short"
Reaching out her hand Aurora shook Michael's, holding back her squeal of excitement as she did so. Polly's son was truly here, in their home and sat at their table with Polly. The very thing Polly had been hoping for was happening and Aurora couldn't have been more overjoyed for her than she was right now.
"Nice to meet you Aurora, are you family?" Michael asked in wonder becoming more confident due to the kindness within his Mother's and Aurora's eyes.
"Yes I've been friends with her Mam for many years, I even helped deliver Aurora. She's now Tommy's partner and soon will be family by marriage" Polly explained reaching out to squeeze Aurora's hand.
"Polly!" Aurora exclaimed, her face flushing at the thought of being Mrs Shelby.
Was Tommy even the type of man to get married? Did he want to get married? She'd never ask him but it would be of interest for her to know.

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