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The heavens had finally ended its tirade of bellowing screams, leaving nothing but the sound of rain, pounding the earth bellow with an almighty force. The world around Aurora fell back into blackness, not even the moon was enough to save sky from plummeting into the depths of the dark. It was the rain that had began to pull Aurora from her unconscious state and the painless slumber she once succumbed to disappeared into the night, leaving Aurora aware of the agony she felt yet it was not the agony in her head that woke her but the extraordinary agony in her heart. As Aurora laid there she found herself falling victim to the elements. Her whole body shook violently, the temperature had dropped extremely low leaving her frozen in place. The rain seemed flood her airways painfully, she wanted to take a breath but feared she would drown her own lungs and leave her dead before she could be found.

Unable to hold her breathe, Aurora began to choke. Water bubbled from her mouth as a horrific sound rippled from the back of her throat which echoed into the air. With each deep breath, more water seeped into her blocked airways causing Aurora to panic, she needed to turn on her side and release her untimely doom. Feeling her eyes rolling back into her head, threatening to send her into another state of unconsciousness, Aurora willed her mind to concentrate on her weak form.
It was her fingers that moved first, clawing at the flooded soil beneath her. With more choked gasps, Aurora's arms began to move outwards. Tears streamed down her face, spluttering out into the air once it reached her mouth and mixed with the rain. Aurora's head felt heavy and dead on her body, this wouldn't be easy but she had yet to give up, she wouldn't give up.

Letting out a sob, Aurora threw herself onto her side with all her might and proceeded to finally release a mass of water and bile. Air was beginning to fill her lungs again causing them to protest further, not content with the hard work they now had to put in order to keep their owner alive. Now hyperventilating, Aurora let her head slam into the dirt. She wanted to rest there but she needed to find Bucephalus, he was her main priority and if anything had happened to him or he was hurt, Aurora would be heartbroken, she doubted she would ever forgive herself. Reluctantly, Aurora opened her eyes and looked out into the darkness. She could see the rain pummelling the ground, everything else remained in the dark, mocking her as she squinted harshly hoping to lay her eyes on anything that could help her find Bucephalus.

With another push, Aurora turned onto her stomach and used her arms to push herself into a half sitting position. Looking around in a blurred haze, Aurora wondered where her war horse had ran off to. He still had to be somewhere within the giant field surrounding the stable unless he jumped the wall. The fields appeared to have no ending in the dark and Aurora's worry for his safety was growing immensely powerful with each moment that passed. She did not care for what happened to her so long as she found him. Knowing she needed to move, Aurora slowly rose to her feet, rocking back and forth as she let out a few startled grunts. She couldn't feel no pain in her head but the throbbing sensation indicated to Aurora that she was somewhat injured yet unsure of the extent. Taking one step forward, Aurora's ankle popped out to the side finding it hard support her weight, almost sending her crashing back into the ground.
"Fuck!" Aurora croaked out with a sob and looking up into the sky, she shook her head angrily.
Groaning in exhaustion and frustration , she dragged her other foot through the mud and steadily began to walk.

As she walked, Aurora's vision became less blurred and used to the darkness around. She could now see the silhouette of trees swaying in the distance, the moon peaking out from behind them, shining a dim light down into the field.
"Bucep..ha...lus!" Aurora called out, her throat straining against her words, silently pleading with her not to speak again.
Whenever he had ran before, Bucephalus had always bloated forwards until he came to a stop at the fence where he would wait until Aurora caught up. Aurora would head in a line first until she herself reached the fence and from there she would search every inch of the field. She wouldn't give up, Aurora knew eventually cross paths with him. Bucephalus at times was able to calm himself down especially if he knew Aurora was close by or next to him. Right now he was lost in the dark just like her except Aurora feared his reaction would be far worse than hers. She would always hear him crying out when he fell into a state of fear, the memories of war striking directly into his heart and plaguing his mind, instead Aurora heard nothing but the weather which sent a feeling of horror she had never felt before.
"Bucephalus!" She yelled, her voice stronger this time as her urgency grew to an almost breaking point.
Her heart was starting to shatter within her chest and the guilt was worse than any injury Bucephalus could give her.
Aurora was terrified, terrified of what she would find if she continued on yet she pushed herself and refused to stop, letting the tears fall with each step.

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