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The pain hit her first, right in the middle of her temple before spreading out and taking ahold of her whole head. It felt heavy on her pillow, her neck too weak to lift so she laid there for a few more moments, contemplating the advantages of getting up. Thankfully Aurora wasn't feeling sick, it was the one thing she hated dealing with. Despite the pain in her head and the weakness in her limbs, she felt happy, more than happy. Tommy had been wrong, Aurora remembered everything from the night before and felt no shame in what she had done. There was no regret in hitting the bottle, it had gave her the courage to tell Tommy how she felt about him and he stayed throughout it all. Aurora was extremely grateful that he had stopped her attempts at seducing him, she had wanted him in that moment, she still wanted him but it had not been the right time. Getting to know her Peaky man was the first thing she needed to do before she made the decision to give Tommy her womanhood. Last night Aurora had seen another side of him, he was patient, caring and understanding, it made her realise she had a lot more to find out and experience.

Delving deeper into her drunken memories, Aurora remembered falling asleep on his chest, listening to the sound of his steady heartbeat only to be trapped within a nightmare. With work slowing down over recent days, Aurora knew Bill would return but this time Tommy had grabbed her from the station and back into his arms. She wondered how much he knew now, maybe it was time to open up to Tommy perhaps it would help. Aurora didn't understand why she couldn't talk about it, every time she tried she couldn't physically get the words to slip off her tongue, it was as if someone had their hand over her mouth, forcing her silence.

Opening one eye Aurora let out a painful groan and quickly shut it once more, she hadn't expected it to be so bright. Tommy must have opened the curtains, Aurora never opened any of them the day after drinking in order to keep her headache to a minimum.
"Come on Aurora" She grumbled to herself slowly lifting body into a sitting position and making another attempt to open her eyes.
It was a lot easier this time yet still painful and with a frown Aurora began to look around the room, avoiding the stream of sunlight coming through her window.
She felt her heart drop slightly, the space in her bed which Tommy had taken up was now empty, the blankets made and pillow set back in place.
Had he left already?
Surely Aurora would have felt him move her off his chest but this was Tommy, the man moved gracefully and without a sound. They needed to talk about last night, they needed to talk about what was happening between them. A lot of questions weighed in on Aurora's mind and she wanted Tommy to be here so she could hopefully release them and receive answers. Deep inside Aurora also wanted to see if last night had truly happened, if it had been all a dream she was going to be extremely irritated.

As Aurora's vision became more used to the light she caught sight of it, resting on a chair in the corner of the room was Tommy's suit jacket. He was still here, in her house she just didn't know where. Aurora wondered why he hadn't woke her, she hated the idea of appearing lazy when entertaining guest. Whenever she had people in her home, Aurora always made sure to be in top form and cater to whatever needs they had. Now that Tommy was here, she felt even more pressure to provide, she wanted to impress him. Throwing the blanket from her body, Aurora let her feet slip over the edge of the bed and onto the cold wooden floor. The weather was beginning to get warmer but the mornings remained cold.

An abrupt idea came to mind and slowly tiptoeing across the room, Aurora reached out and took Tommy's jacket within her arms. His familiar scent invaded her senses as she held it up to her face, a smile gracing her lips at the happiness she felt inside. Tommy was an incredibly special man, even with his faults but even they seemed to add to his charm and beauty. Opening up the jacket she felt her nerves building inside, twisting her stomach uneasily.
Did she dare to?
Would he mention it?
Deciding she was going to take the chance, Aurora pushed her arms through the arm holes and proceeded to put his jacket on. It rested just below her slip, the material was soft against her skin and Aurora found herself  appreciating the way it didn't drown her yet filled her body with a sense of warmth and protection. She imagined she'd never want to take it off, it made her feel as if he was in the room with her, his arms wrapped around her tightly as he swept away her nightmares.

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