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Her hands were fisted tightly within his coat, her body leaned into his as their lips continued to move together, it was sweet and slow. It was everything Aurora had hoped it would be, better than she had hoped it'd be. He tasted just how she had imagined, cigarettes and whiskey but Aurora found herself unbothered, in fact it made her crave him more. This was her Tommy. Aurora's heart swelled at the realisation that he was holding back, being careful not to overstep, he was letting her lead yet she could feel the power he had over her.
"Tommy" she whispered against his lips, a silent beg for more as she pulled him closer into her.
Gripping the back of Aurora's head Tommy crashed his lips against hers, silencing her pleas. The more passionate he became, the more the world slipped from Aurora. In this moment her mind, senses and heart were filled with nothing but Tommy. He had invaded her whole and she was not making any movement to kick him out, she welcomed him with open arms.

"Tommy where the bloody hell are yah?"
"Tom! TOMMY!"
Yells from down below finally brought Aurora back into the real world and resting her nose on Tommy's, she took a few small breaths.
"They're calling for you" she whispered disappointedly, her hands still latched onto his coat in the hopes he would stay in place and allow the moment to continue.
"Yeah" Aurora heard Tommy reply faintly over the pounding of her heart which had appeared to be beating loudly in her ears.
Through the chaos of the fair it was easy to recognise Arthur's and John's yells, they stood out from amongst the mass crowd causing both Aurora and Tommy to feel bitterly annoyed at the interruption. Releasing Tommy from her grip, Aurora brushed down his coat and smiled sweetly, grateful that she hadn't wore lipstick and got Tommy into a mess. She knew that Arthur and John would have his balls if he got of the Ferris wheel with the stains of lipstick upon his face.
"I guess we should head down and see what they want" Aurora nodded to where she could hear Tommy's brothers.

Turning away from Aurora, Tommy began to look around searching for John and Arthur.
"Arthur! John! M'on the Ferris wheel!" He yelled out, pulling his matchbox from his pocket and throwing it, hitting John directly in the chest.
"Tommy fookin' hell!" John cursed clutching his chest and glaring up at him causing Aurora to erupt into laughter.
"What you doin' up there?! Ferris wheels fookin' boring!" Arthur grunted, pointing at the ride like it was the devil himself.
"Oh shut up you two!" A woman ordered coming out from behind them, a small toddler resting gently in one arm while her other hand was being held by the man beside her.
"Who's that Tommy?" Aurora enquired, her eyes meeting the strangers who looked up at her in surprise.
"I didn't think she would come" Tommy replied before turning his attention to the worker "Oi get us down!"
"Please!" Aurora added as Tommy rolled him eyes humorously, a smile making its way on to his face.
As the Ferris while stirred back to life, Aurora took the opportunity to take in the views one last time until Birmingham's lights disappeared and the city became hidden behind the forest surrounding the fair.

"Come I'll introduce you"
Tommy's words made her nervous, it was clear from the happiness on his face that these people were extremely important to him. He had a smile that Aurora had only see him use when seeing family or close friends, he had used the same one for her tonight and that made Aurora happier than any kind of flowers.
Grabbing Tommy's outstretched hand, Aurora allowed him to help her off the Ferris wheel and keeping his hand tightly in her grasp, they began making their way over.
"Ada, you said you weren't coming" Tommy remarked with a cough as his eyes bore into his sister.
"Well Freddie helped change me mind so you can thank him" Ada smiled gently bouncing Karl on her hip and pressing her lips to his head.
"Said it would be good to get Karl out and see his family" Freddie nodded reaching out to ruffle Karl's hair.
"Isn't it great Tommy? We're all 'ere, all we need is Polly" Arthur grinned brightly coming to stand beside Aurora and looking at his sister proudly.

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