Watery Lane

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'Enjoy, from your friends in Watery Lane'
Aurora wrote on a piece of paper before slipping the note into a basket which contained their left overs. She had done her best to make sure the food was piping hot again without burning anything, she wanted people to enjoy it after all. Finn seemed more than happy to help Aurora, he was a good boy. Aurora was sure the other Shelby men were good at times but there was something incredibly innocent about Finn and she found herself wanting to protect him from the world.
"So Finn you know Birmingham, is there anyone in particular you want this food to go to?"
"Peter Maxwell from school, his Dad died in the war and his Mom became sick with grief. He has to look after his little sisters but there's no money coming in, gets no help from Mom either. Peter gives everything to his family and leaves 'imself hungry" Finn explained, breaking Aurora's heart in the process as she thought of this poor child who had not only lost his Dad but his mother too.
"Take me to his 'ome Finn and lets get some warm food in 'im" Aurora beamed, picking up the large basket and resting it gently on her arm.
"If he sees us, he'll turn the food down. He doesn't like accepting help"
"Knock and run Finn, knock and run" Aurora winked, heading for the door "hurry Finn, we don't want to deliver cold food"
Aurora decided she wanted to do this more often, she wanted to help more of those in need. It was surprising to her that so many went without. Aurora was lucky enough to have a good upbringing and wasn't blind to those who hadn't yet she couldn't help but be shocked by just how many were suffering. It was all down to the War, they had won and earned nothing in return except more suffering and more death.

The house wasn't too far away from Watery Lane. The area appeared run down, abandoned and if it hadn't been for the small lights in the windows, Aurora wouldn't have guessed anyone lived around here. Her and Finn were currently stood with wide grins on their faces in front of Peter's door, it felt good knowing they were able to help someone in need. It brought Aurora's thoughts back to Lizzie, she needed someone to care for her just as Peter did.
"Aurora?" Finn whispered, gently pushing his elbow into Aurora's side, breaking her free from her thoughts.
Bending down, Aurora placed the basket on Peter's doorstep and braced herself to run.
"On three Finn!....one.....two......three!"
Bringing his arm up, Finn loudly knocked on the door before shooting off down the street, leaving nothing but a gust of air behind him.
"Finn! Jesus! Someone's done this before" Aurora hissed with a laugh as her eyes went wide.
Looking back at the door, Aurora quickly picked her feet up and ran after Finn, hoping she wasn't about to be caught and fail their mission.
Finn was an extremely fast child, he had disappeared from sight and if Aurora hadn't remembered the way back to Watery Lane as they made their journey here, she would of surely been lost by now.

Aurora's lungs were burning, her heart was pounding. She hated running yet found herself doing it a lot lately. Watery Lane was in sight and knowing she wasn't being chased, Aurora pressed her back against the nearest wall and took a few moments to herself. Beads of sweat were beginning to form on her brows as she breathed out heavily into the warm air. With summer approaching it had began to stay lighter for longer creating a beautiful hue in the sky when both night and day battled against each other.
"There you are! Thought you got lost!" Finn exclaimed rounding the corner, a worried expression in his eyes.
When he hadn't seen Aurora behind him once reaching the house, he had panicked greatly. Anything could of happened, she didn't know Small Heath and he had ran, too excited to care.
"Sorry Finn, you're......fast" Aurora wheezed holding onto her side and walking over to him, a feeling of guilt running through her as she took in his worried expression.
Suddenly looking proud at her words, Finn pulled Aurora's arm through his and began to slowly lead her back to the house.
"Aurora?" Finn enquired, his curiosity sparking up inside him.
"Yeah Finn?"
"Do you love Tommy?"

Letting out a wheezed grunt, Aurora looked up at Finn with wide, shocked eyes. She hadn't expected him to ask something like that and hearing it come from his mouth had sent her head into a spin. Aurora didn't know how to respond, did she tell the truth? Lie? Divert the subject?
It was a question she had been asking herself for weeks, a question she knew the answer to but was afraid to let it slip from her lips. Aurora wanted to keep the answer hidden as if it were a prized jewel, forbidden to be touched and looked away for eternity.
"Isn't it too soon for me to love him?" Aurora questioned, directing the statement more towards herself than the young boy beside her.
"Love doesn't have a time limit, if you love someone, you love 'em" Finn spoke wisely, surprising Aurora further. For one so young, he seemed to somewhat understand matters of the heart.

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