Torn Apart

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There she was, deep into the trees sat by a fire, the flames flickering within her eyes. Turning her gaze away from the stranger, Aurora look behind her and found herself relieved to still be able to see the celebrations. They weren't too far away but Aurora couldn't underestimate the woman, if she were to do something what chance would Aurora have of escaping?
She still did not feel fear, she felt welcomed and warm like she had been wrapped up within someone's embrace.
"Hello" Aurora called out quietly, unsure of what to do as the woman began to stare at her once more.
"Welcome child, please sit"
The instruction was soft and Aurora could see in the woman's eyes that she was giving Aurora the opportunity to turn around and not face her. It was tempting, strangers were a thing Aurora did not find comfortable to be around especially being alone in the middle of nowhere. She wouldn't back out now, she couldn't bring herself so with slow deliberate steps, Aurora made her way over to the woman and sat down beside her. While she still felt welcomed, Aurora could not bring herself to look into her eyes and instead focused on the flames in her face.

"You have questions Aurora" The woman pointed out and reaching over she took Aurora's hand within hers.
"Yes...I do but first I would like your name, it's only fair" Aurora muttered, finally raising her gaze and letting out a small gasp.
The woman's eyes were not black this time, they were ocean blue and filled with care and understanding. The coldness Aurora had witnessed at the fair was gone.
"How do you know me Daiena?" Aurora enquired, a small frown on her face.
The situation was confusing to Aurora, she didn't understand how a stranger she had never met appeared to know her more than she knew herself. Aurora had never experienced anything like this and in truth she was worried.
"I saw your death"

The statement sent Aurora reeling backwards and pulling her hand free, she felt to the floor with a loud gasp. She had not expected that, she wasn't sure what she had expected but her death was not it.
Her death?
She was going to die?
Aurora's vision blurred as the questions within her mind knocked her dizzy. Bringing a fist to her chest, she tried to breath, the heat from the fire was now threatening to suffocate her. She should have turned back, she should never have followed Daiena out here. Digging her hands into the soil of the earth, Aurora turned her head to the side and let out a strangled choking noise.
"'t......h...he?!" Aurora wheezed, her eyesight turning blacker and blacker.
She felt faint but she willed herself not to drop and not to close her eyes.
The answer caused the tears to stir up, Aurora didn't understand the overwhelming sense of sadness that had just hit her. Her legs were shaking beneath her and gathering the last of the strength she had. She brought herself into a kneeling position and began to focus on breathing. Aurora thought her heart might burst from her chest but she still needed answers.

"W...why..does he...know?!"Aurora demanded, she should of known first or in the very least Tommy should of told her that night at the fair.
She would of understood, she would of reassured him that it didn't matter. Aurora didn't fear death and nothing could stop death, it would come for everyone in the end.
"Tommy is the cause. He is a man with many enemies and for you to stay would be for you to die at the hands of one" Daiena explained, pitying the young girl in front of her who looked close to collapsing yet her eyes appeared to brighten at the mention of Tommy's name, despite the revelation.
"Do you know who kills me?" Aurora's voice was firm, she was owed this at least.
Perhaps if she knew, Aurora could prepare herself in some way, maybe even stop it if it was possible.
"A man a god"
Aurora had the last reaction Daiena expected, she had began to laugh.
"Ironic, Tommy doesn't believe in god" Aurora giggled, a tear falling unwillingly, she didn't want to cry, she shouldn't be crying.

"Is there any way to stop it?" Aurora sighed after a few moments, her eye sight now regained and blinking rapidly she turned her gaze back on to Daiena.
"Of course, nothing is ever certain my child. A lot of things can alter the future" Daiena stated truthfully causing Aurora to let out a huff of relief.
It wasn't certain that she was going to die, she would hold on to the statement and hope it would save her. While Aurora was now feeling better, there was something still tugging at her mind, something she had to know before she left.

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