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Four days had passed since Aurora last saw Tommy disappear through the gates of Charlie's yard.
Four days until she finally received the call she had been wanting more than anything.
"Are you home?" Was the first thing that came out of Tommy's mouth and Aurora couldn't help but snort believing Tommy to damaged his head more than she thought.
"No Tommy, this is Mary........course I made it 'ome!" She barked with laughter as she used a cloth to wipe away the dust that was building up on the phone table.
Aurora had forgotten about her house completely and had spent her days taking care of Lithe who's character was growing more and more each day. The mare was a lady, graceful, kind and pleasant. She was now able to walk and run for as long as she pleased without pain and slowly she was beginning to eat more. It would take time for her to fill out completely but Aurora was impressed with the progress Lithe had made so far. Once she had left the stable this morning Aurora came to the conclusion that she could no longer put up with the state of her home and had decided to spend the rest of the day cleaning and moving the furniture around.
"Do you have the gun in the house?" Tommy pressed on, ignoring her comment, his voice serious and demanding. When Aurora had tossed the gun into the back of the car Tommy believed it would stay there, never to be picked up or used by Aurora to keep herself safe.
"Yes Tom, it's in the bedroom" she answered weakly expecting a scolding of some sort followed by wise words of advice that always came from Tommy's lips.
"Keep it with you at all times mouse, what use is it in the bedroom when you're not in it?" The sarcasm dripped from his tongue and Aurora could see him rolling his eyes at her, questioning her intelligence.
"Yes are you feeling Tommy?" Aurora questioned her voice going from firm to soft in an instant. She could hear from the small grunts that slipped out every so often that he was still in pain. It would take a few weeks for Tommy to heal, perhaps even more if he continued acting like he was fine.

"Gettin' there mouse" Tommy grunted after a moment of silence, a cough making its way up his throat.
"Tommy it's been a few days...just be careful ok, don't strain yourself too much" Aurora sighed wishing she could be there to watch over his health. Curly would look after Tommy, she didn't doubt him but Curly would believe Tommy's every word and if Tommy told him he no longer needed treatment then Curly wouldn't question it.
"What would you say to a house 'ere in London?" Tommy questioned coming off the topic of his health knowing the mouse wouldn't be the first one to let it go.
"I'd say no, Small Heath and Middlesbrough are my only homes. I've never been to London, heard it's too busy. May I ask why a house in London? Wanting to be closer to the enemy love?" Aurora humoured, secretly hoping he hadn't already purchased a house. Aurora couldn't live in London there were too many people and the constant noise of cars driving through the streets every hour of the day would drive her demented.
"Maybe you'll change you mind once you visit"
"You planning on takin' me to London Tom" Aurora smiled knowing he was smirking at the burst of excitement in her voice. She didn't want to live there but Aurora would like to visit even if it were to be only once in her life.
"Soon, after I've cleared the shit up. Listen mouse m'running late to a meetin'. I'll be home soon, stay put" Tommy shot out putting down the phone before he could hear Aurora's reply.
"Ok Tom, I love you" she spoke through the phone and realising it was only her there Aurora slowly put the phone back in place and left the hall to continue cleaning, her heart feeling lighter and more peaceful knowing Tommy had made it.

The day passed very slowly for Aurora. The house had taken longer than she thought and by the time she was free to visit Lithe, night had already fallen. Aurora was tired and knowing the mare would be just fine for one day Aurora decided to retire to bed after a cup of tea and prepare herself for an early morning. She wished Tommy would phone again, she wanted to tell him about Lithe, most of all Aurora needed him to prepare the stables for a new comer. There was no reason to keep Lithe here especially when Aurora wasn't here herself most of the time.
Aurora believed she had received her wish when the the phone began to ring early in the morning. She had ignored it the first few times, thinking it too early for calls but the person on the receiving end refused to give up. The phone rang a total of four times before Aurora finally wiped the sleep from her eyes and stumbled her way onto the landing and down the stairs.

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