Unexpected Visitor

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August 4th 1925
"Mam" Sweet kisses decorated her face as small arms wrapped around her, beautiful soft hair pressed against her cheek "Mam"
With her eyes still firmly closed, fighting on the edge of sleep Aurora brought her boy into an embrace and smiled, a sigh falling from her lips. She hoped he would fall back to asleep in her arms, their cheeks pressed together under the warm summer sun blurring through the open curtains.
"Mam" Charlie's voiced called out again, his little fingers tapping her cheek before he placed his index finger on her eyelid and pulled it back.
"Yes Charlie?" Aurora hummed in amusement, her smile turning into a grin as her body moved with laughter "Good morning"
Finally opening her eyes, she saw him staring down at her with an impatient, excitement in his wide eyes.
"Happy Birthday Mammy!" He squealed bringing his hands together with a loud clap having finally managed the words his Dad had wanted him to say. They were going to make his Mam happy, it would make her smile.
"Thank you me little love. Is it really that day?" She wondered, kissing Charlie's head, her hold on his tightening. Already this had been her favourite birthday. Her first as Charlie's Mam and already he'd done enough to bring her to tears.
"Mammy crying?" Charlie pointed out, his fingers brushing away the tears that began to trail down her cheeks "Oh no"
"It's ok Charlie remember what we talked about before, sometimes we cry when we're happy too and you make me very happy love" Aurora explained sitting up on the bed and pulling Charlie into her lap, her hands tickling his sides until he squealed for mercy.
"Your Mam likes to cry over everything Charlie boy, you'll learn that as you get older" Tommy stated appearing in the doorway with a tray in his hands, a bouquet of red roses resting on top of it.
"I do not!" She protested poking her tongue out at him, internally agreeing with him much to her own disappointment. She was a sensitive soul, always had been.
"Teaching him bad habits again mouse" Tommy pointed out with a raised eyebrow as Charlie followed his Mam and stuck his tongue out at him.
"I need to train my soldiers to be on my side and soon, when you believe you're safe we'll come for you Thomas" She squinted at him in warning, her eyes flickering mischievously. Of course Aurora would use the children against him, Tommy hadn't expected anything less. He had no doubt she'd teach them well in the art of irritating him.

Placing the tray at the end of the bed, Aurora's heart leapt with love. He'd brought her breakfast in bed, the perfect way to a woman's heart, a plate of food and a nice cup of tea to wash it down. She could see from the messily spread jam on a bed of bread dripping in butter that he'd done it himself.
"Perhaps I can call the army off for one day" She teased reaching her arms out to him, her fingers trying to grab at him. Coming to her side, Tommy leant down and kissed her softly on her lips, his hand cupping the back of her as he deepened it, the other falling to her stomach.
"Happy Birthday love" He smiled caressing the bump proudly. Aurora was beginning to show now, he'd noticed earlier on in the week whilst watching her dress. She was glowing, appearing more radiant than the sun itself. The house was filling with excitement, replacing the coldness with warmth and the dark with light.
"Thank you sweetheart" Aurora chirped pulling him by the waistcoat to kiss him again, a pleasant sigh escaping her as the smell of his shaving cream fluttered up her nose. He always smelt so good, more so now than ever before. There was something incredibly irresistible about her husband as of late and Aurora found herself seeking him out throughout the day and night, desperate to be near him.
"Anymore movement from the smallest mouse in the house?" He asked, perching himself on the edge of the bed, his arms wrapped firmly around both her and Charlie.
It warmed Aurora to see how obsessed Tommy was with their unborn child and how much he wanted the baby to be here already. She'd fallen in love with him more over the last few weeks. Aurora hadn't thought it possible but he continued to surprise her each day making her heart bigger and bigger with every action he made.
"A little, the midwife said it will pick up soon and then hopefully you'll feel the baby too" Aurora informed him, her hand resting on top of his "You look particularly handsome today Tommy. Oh! You 'ave that meetin'! What are you still doin' here?"
Trades were growing more expensive as more partners came through for Tommy wanting to exchange their goods. He was increasingly busy lately making Aurora thankful Michael was back. She knew how busy tommy liked to keep himself but it worried her at times that he would take too much on and rather than distracting himself from his own thoughts he would sink further into them.

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