Three Words

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Aurora felt as if she were floating on air. It was late in the afternoon and while the day wasn't over, she had already listed it as one of her favourites. It had been simple but everything she could of hoped for. Now she along with Tommy, Curly and Charlie were heading to the Garrison for a birthday drink. Aurora planned to be drunk by the time midnight struck and she ended up babbling out embarrassing stories for her childhood. It was the best way to end a perfect day and as she walked hand in hand with Tommy, Aurora couldn't help but feel grateful for the three men around her. Even Charlie had managed to crack a smile her way which had both startled and humoured her greatly.

"Tommy! Tommy!" A voice called out from behind them and twisting her head to look back, Aurora saw Finn sprinting towards them looking frazzled.
Seeing the young boy Aurora felt herself float even higher, she adored him. Finn was her sweet Shelby, her innocent one and now she looked upon him as a brother with the fierce protective side of a mother.
"Finn" Tommy replied stonily, he didn't look too impressed with his youngest sibling leaving Aurora wondering what he had done wrong.

Reaching Tommy's side Finn bent over slightly to catch his breath before looking up, an apologetic look on his face yet his eyes were shinning with mischief.
"Sorry m'late to the pa....."
Suddenly Tommy brought his hand up and smacked Finn sharply across the back of the head sending his words back down his throat as the boy let out a painful yelp.
"Thomas! The fuck you do that for! Finn bairn, are you orright?!" Aurora gasped slapping Tommy's arm and taking Finn's hand she brought them ahead of the men.
"S'orright Rora, I deserved it" Finn replied, a cheeky smile breaking out on his face and directing it at Tommy he took his hand away from Aurora's and broke out into a sprint, heading straight for the Garrison.
Aurora marvelled at Finn's lack of intelligence. They were also going to the Garrison, Tommy would easily get him there. The poor boy had put himself in his own trap.
Shaking her head with a giggle Aurora took Tommy's hand again.
"Polly has babied him all his life and now you, the boy with never fuckin' grow" Tommy muttered with a slight roll of his eyes and glancing up at him, Aurora took his cheek and pinched it lightly.
"Poor Tommy, would you like me to baby you?"
"I..think...h.he would like that Miss...Aurora" Curly laughed enjoying Tommy's embarrassment all too much.
"I think so too Curly" Aurora chirped resting her head on Tommy's shoulders causing his protest to disperse as Aurora tenderly stroked his hand.

Aurora always loved the walk to the Garrison, it was hot, muddy and the air smelt of fire and metal, strong enough to burn the insides of her nose but it was just home. It brought back memories of her childhood when her family had not yet rose up within society. Aurora would go visit her Dad in the factory holding the hands of her big brothers to watch him work. Her Dad was a master at building cars, she had watched in awe many times as he built up these great machines. They had seemed so big, so giant when she was younger and she had spent her nights dreaming of being behind the wheel that reminded her of the pirate ships she had read about in books. Sometimes Aurora wished life could be as simple as it were back then, she loved the simple life yet would not wish the financial strain on her Dad again. Many times she had caught him crying at the kitchen table, unable to feed his family and put clothing on his children. Those worries did not exist anymore for the family and Aurora was forever grateful that her Dads hard work paid off.

It was quiet outside the Garrison. Every time Aurora had visited, both the pub and street had been filled with happy drunk men with the occasional fight. It the was fights Aurora loved most, there was nothing funnier than seeing two grown men drunkenly try to swing for each other.

Slipping his arm out of Aurora's Tommy quickened his pace towards the door and grabbing the handle he pulled it open.
"Ladies first" he gestured clearing his throat and sending Aurora a wink.
"Why thank you sir!" Aurora grinned placing her lips against Tommy's cheek as she walked through the entrance.

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