The Meeting

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Aurora letting out an exhausted yawn laid down by the fireplace bringing her couch throwover and pillows. Instead of spending her day in relaxation, painting and reading she had spent it cleaning the house from top to bottom. True to their word her parents had left her to own devices and now undistracted Aurora began to worry.

Had her Dad's meeting gone well?

The time was now 10:30pm and the nerves she felt yesterday were back in full force. Her parents always phoned each night before 10 to wish her goodnight, they had done this ritual ever since she moved out before she came home those months ago in a desperate need to bring the family together again. It was a strange feeling to go a whole day without hearing her Mam's voice.

Aurora realised she was being over dramatic. She wasn't her parents keeper, she didn't get to decide when they went to bed. Only half an hour had passed, perhaps they were having a nightcap or had just forgot. Aurora needed a drink so pulling herself up from the floor she began making her way to the kitchen, jumping slightly each time her bare feet smacked against the frozen floor.

"Ah there you are!" Taking a seat, she reached over and grabbed the bottle of Irish whiskey that rested in the middle of her table.

Not bothering with a glass Aurora messily unscrewed the cap and took a long swig. She winced and quickly placed the bottle down, she hated the way whiskey burnt her throat but loved the warmth that followed. It was Aurora's choice of drink, an instant relaxation washed over her each time settling all her worries and doubts.

"I'm being too judgemental aren't I?" She grumbled to herself, taking another drink and slumping down into her chair.

It was true, she had heard the name Peaky Blinders and automatically formed an opinion from the words of others. Yes the stories were true but until she had met the Shelby's herself she couldn't go along with everyone else. Aurora knew full well how horrible it was to be judged, she had seen the looks of disgust people gave her when she mentioned her last name. Everyone was horrified at the white English woman who eloped with a half Burmese Gypsy man. Aurora tried not to care, her family were unique with their dark wild hair and golden eyes. Her father tired of being walked on had worked hard to come up in the world, to start his businesses and anyone who dared utter derogatory words to anyone of them swiftly had their tongues ripped from their throats. As a child she had been abused and victimised by strangers yet now those same people waved at her in the streets and wished her good health.

Aurora could feel sleep starting to take over and not wanting to fall off her chair she begrudgingly stood up and began making her way to the stairs.

"I'll phone in the morning" she yawned holding onto the banister tightly trying not to fall as her eyelids dropped.

Reaching the landing Aurora pushed her bedroom door open and stumbled inside. Finally being able to lay in her own bed filled her with happiness, this is where she belonged. The smell of fresh bedding and the silence of the house quickly lulled her to sleep and straight into her nightmares.

"Do you have a smoke?"

Aurora recognised the person in front of her, she had watched him climb off the train yesterday as she waited for her Dad and brothers to return home from war. She came here everyday in the hopes she would see her Dad's face come out at least one passing train. Aurora felt sorry for the man well he wasn't a man at all he was a child, a child who had seen the most horrific of things. He wasn't much older than her but his eyes, they were empty.

"Of course"

She had been saving them for David and Chris but she could offer one to this poor boy. Reaching into her pocket she handed him a cigarette alongside a box of matches. The station was full yet it felt like it was just him and her.

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