Lee Fire

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"Hello? Rora you home?"
Aurora heard her front door slam open with incredible force as a familiar voice called out causing her to shake her head.
"In the kitchen Masilda!"
Dropping the wash cloth on the table Aurora abandoned her work and walking over to the kitchen cabinet reached for the bottle of Beefeater Gin and a glass. Quickly filling the glass Aurora held the drink out, waiting for her closest friend to appear, Masilda Lee.

"I did knock!" Masilda appeared in the kitchen, a knowing smile on her freckled face.
"Of course you did Masilda" Aurora tutted sarcastically with a smile, she had missed her friend greatly.
With Aurora living at home and Masilda travelling with the Lee's it was a very rare occasion that they got together.
"I heard you went travelling"
Laughing Aurora had a kiss placed upon her cheek as the drink was snatched from her.
"Yes and you're welcome"
"How was it? You haven't been on the road since we first met all them years ago, but you're breathin' so 'suppose it didn't go too bad" Masilda chirped taking a seat and brushing her messy golden plait over her shoulder.

"It was.......cold"
"That it?"
"I had fun, nice to spend time with my family you know?" Aurora shrugged sitting down opposite Masilda, debating what to say.
She didn't want to admit that she disliked travelling, Masilda had been the first Lee to accept the half Gypsy girl and being her only friend, it wouldn't do Aurora good to offend their culture.
"Aurora" Masilda sighed resting her hand on her cheek "You don't have to hide your feelings from me"
And this is why Aurora loved her, she read her like a book and held no judgement towards her.

"Forget about me tell me how you're doing? Thought you were still down south?"
Leaning forwards Aurora plucked a dead leaf from one of the tulips, absentmindedly questioning Masilda while she caressed the flowers. Three days had passed since she received them and coming downstairs on a morning to see them gleaming in the winter sunlight brought a smile to her face.

"Was, got up here first 'fore Da, we're havin' a fire in York, I want to invite you and your family" Masilda smiled refilling her now empty glass before drinking it like a starved man.
"You camping in York?"
Humming in response Masilda took note of the way her friends eyes keep wondering back to the tulips, Aurora was extremely distracted and Masilda found this strange. Instead of saying anything she watched her for a few moments gently play with them.

Shooting her head up Aurora glanced at Masilda in confusion, she had heard her speak but it had been too quiet to register making Aurora feel like she had heard nothing at all.

"The flowers, they're pretty" Masilda spoke louder nodding her head towards the tulips as she leaned back in her chair and crossed her legs over.
"They are, I'm quite fond of 'em"
Aurora giggled in delight, the petals tickled her fingers. She wasn't one to receive many gifts so she took great pride and joy in them.
"Who from?"
"Thomas Shelby"

Letting out a choked gasp, Masilda leaned forwards and slammed her fist against her chest. She gripped the table cloth as she began to cough, eyes watering from the sheer pressure of it.
"You.....g....got.....flow....ers....from........Th...T...Thomas...Shelby?!" Masilda wheezed out painfully causing Aurora to jump up and run to her side.
"Christ Masilda! Are you orright?!" Aurora exclaimed rubbing her friends back vigorously with wide eyes.
"Thomas....blummin' Shelby?"
"Yes Thomas Shelby!"
Throwing her head back Aurora began to laugh at her friends struggle while still continuing to rub her back as if she were a babe.
Why had she reacted like that?

"You sure we're talkin' bout the same Thomas?" Masilda questioned finally gathering herself back together, eyes still wide and focused on the tulips.
"Brown hair, strong face, beautiful eyes, quite rude, wants to know everything, blades in his cap....pretty sure it's the same Thomas, why?" Aurora muttered thinking back to their walk in the snow and how much she had wanted to throttle him in that moment until there was nothing left but his cap.

"Thomas Shelby doesn't do apologies, nor with flowers either"
The statement threw Aurora off, everyone around her seemed to know or have an opinion of Tommy except her, Aurora felt like she knew nothing of the great Peaky leader. Surely he couldn't be as cold hearts as they all made him out to be, yes he held some rudeness about him but it was nothing that truly hurt Aurora. Aurora was the one hurting herself by holding on to Bill, Tommy had merely asked about it.

"How do you know Thomas?"
Aurora's words came out sharper than expected, she was being defensive and letting out a huffed breath she sat down, wondering what she could do to erase the last few minutes.

"Cousin Esme married John, I met Thomas at the wedding, met the family! Lot of issues between them. Thought me family was mad 'till his sister went crazy, busted her waters right there! Caused a whole show" Masilda nodded firmly with a small laugh watching Aurora's eyes grow wide.

"Why did she go crazy?"
"Said Thomas was hunting her down like a rat, tried to kill 'er man"
"Bloody hell, must have been some wedding!"
Aurora was flabbergasted and reaching for the bottle of gin she took a long swig before wiping her mouth breathlessly. She wondered what had happened in order for Tommy to 'hunt' down his own sister, maybe she would pry the next time she saw him like he had her. Perhaps she wouldn't, Aurora imagined he wasn't the type of person to cry and run off into the snow.

Deciding it was time for a change in conversation Aurora, refilled Masilda's glass and with a warm smile leaned her chin on her hand.
"So when's this fire?"

Three weeks later
"What Tom?!"
Pausing mid run, Finn turned and scoffed at his brother. He just wanted to join the other Lee boys round the fire but ever since getting in the car earlier Tommy had hounded him with rules and by the time he had finished there was hardly any fun left to have.

"Aye! Less of that, get 'ere now!" Tommy demanded, beckoning him forwards with wide stormy eyes.
Finn took his time walking back having decided to kick his feet up, a small smirk of rebellion on the young teens face causing Arthur to growl from beside Tommy. Having enough, Tommy stormed forwards and took his brother by the scruff of his collar.

"Come back 'ere any later than midnight and you'll be walking home, understand?"
With Tommy's threat loud and clear Finn didn't want to push his luck any further so holding back his protests, he nodded his head.
"Yeah Tom!"
Letting go of his collar, Tommy brushed down his brothers suit and sent him on his way much to the boys delight.
"Come on Tommy, John, let's get a drink!" Marching off in front, Arthur and John stalked off towards where the Lee men were drinking.
Tommy trailed behind, smirking as his brothers cheered at the sight of booze. They would be walking home too if they passed out by the fire, Tommy wasn't waiting around for any of them he had business to attend in the morning.

"Pisliskurja kadessa"
The soft whisper called out through the wind causing Tommy to stop short. Looking around he saw nothing at first, he was almost certain he had heard a females voice.
"Pisliskurja kadessa"
There it was again!
Turning around, Tommy squinted into the dark, straining his eyes painfully until he caught the glimpse of a small shadow in the distance. The sound had come from that direction, the shadow was the closest thing to him. Giving his brothers a quick glance he began making his way over to the voice, it was still calling out to him, growing louder and louder with each footstep.

It was a woman, her face was hidden beneath a veil but he could see her eyes clearly. She was looking at him yet seemed not to see him instead she appeared to be far away, lost to the world.
"Pisliskurja kadessa!"
Her voice was now full of grief and heartache, her body rocked violently like she was about to burst into tears and weep at his feet.
Kneeling down, Tommy took her shoulders in a firm but gentle grip.
"Pisliskurja kadessa? Tell me about the Pisliskurja kadessa!" His demand came out hoarse and desperate as she shook her slightly.
The woman was becoming hysterical and though Tommy seemed as solid as stone on the outside, he could feel his heart pounding at the sheer anger and pain running through the woman's now black irises.

"Poor little darling mouse with golden eyes! You will be the death of her Thomas Shelby!"

Pisliskurja kadessa - Darling mouse

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